Human nutrition
Geissler, Catherine.

Human nutrition

Geissler, Catherine.


11th ed.

Publication Information
Edinburgh ; New York : Elsevier/Churchill Livingstone, 2005.

Physical Description
xii, 743 s. : res. ; 27 cm. + 1 CD-ROM (4 3/4 in.)

General Note
Kütüphanede kitaba ait bir adet CD-ROM Ödünç Verme Bölümünde bulunmaktadır.

Food and nutrient patterns -- Food and nutrient structure -- The Physiology of nutrient digestion and absorption -- Body size and composition -- Energy balance and body weight regulation -- Carbohydrate metabolism -- Fat metabolism -- Protein metabolism and requirements -- Alcohol metabolism: implications for nutrition and health -- Water-soluble vitamins -- Fat-soluble vitamins -- Minerals and trace elements -- Inter-micronutrient topics -- Infancy, childhood and adolescence -- Prepregnancy, pregnancy and lactation -- Ageing and older people -- Vegetarian diets -- Dietary considerations for sport and exercise -- Cardiovascular disease -- Obesity -- Diabetes mellitus -- Cancers -- Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract -- Nutrition and the skeleton -- Dental disease -- Immune function, food allergies and food intolerance -- Eating disorders -- Deficiency diseases -- Diet and genotype interactions-nutritional genomics -- The Science of epidemiology -- Nutritional assessment methods -- Food supply, factors affecting production, trade and access -- Food nutrition policies and interventions.

Subject Term
Diyet Tedavi
Beslenme Bozuklukları
Diet Therapy
Nutrition Disorders

Added Author
Geissler, Catherine.
Powers, Hilary J.
Garrow, J. S. Human nutrition and dietetics.

LibraryMaterial TypeItem BarcodeShelf Number[[missing key: search.ChildField.HOLDING]]Status
Health Sciences LibraryBook7.2/12/397914QU 146 H9182 2005Sağlık Bilimleri Genel Koleksiyon
Health Sciences LibraryCd-RomC001134QU 146 H9182 2005Sağlık Bilimleri CD-ROM Koleksiyonu