Human nutrition
Geissler, Catherine.
Human nutrition
Geissler, Catherine.
11th ed.
Publication Information
Edinburgh ; New York : Elsevier/Churchill Livingstone, 2005.
Physical Description
xii, 743 s. : res. ; 27 cm. + 1 CD-ROM (4 3/4 in.)
General Note
Kütüphanede kitaba ait bir adet CD-ROM Ödünç Verme Bölümünde bulunmaktadır.
Food and nutrient patterns -- Food and nutrient structure -- The Physiology of nutrient digestion and absorption -- Body size and composition -- Energy balance and body weight regulation -- Carbohydrate metabolism -- Fat metabolism -- Protein metabolism and requirements -- Alcohol metabolism: implications for nutrition and health -- Water-soluble vitamins -- Fat-soluble vitamins -- Minerals and trace elements -- Inter-micronutrient topics -- Infancy, childhood and adolescence -- Prepregnancy, pregnancy and lactation -- Ageing and older people -- Vegetarian diets -- Dietary considerations for sport and exercise -- Cardiovascular disease -- Obesity -- Diabetes mellitus -- Cancers -- Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract -- Nutrition and the skeleton -- Dental disease -- Immune function, food allergies and food intolerance -- Eating disorders -- Deficiency diseases -- Diet and genotype interactions-nutritional genomics -- The Science of epidemiology -- Nutritional assessment methods -- Food supply, factors affecting production, trade and access -- Food nutrition policies and interventions.
Subject Term
Diyet Tedavi
Beslenme Bozuklukları
Diet Therapy
Nutrition Disorders
Added Author
Geissler, Catherine.
Powers, Hilary J.
Garrow, J. S. Human nutrition and dietetics.
Library | Material Type | Item Barcode | Shelf Number | [[missing key: search.ChildField.HOLDING]] | Status |
Health Sciences Library | Book | 7.2/12/397914 | QU 146 H9182 2005 | | Sağlık Bilimleri Genel Koleksiyon |
Health Sciences Library | Cd-Rom | C001134 | QU 146 H9182 2005 | | Sağlık Bilimleri CD-ROM Koleksiyonu |