The hidden life of trees : what they feel, how they communicate : discoveries from a secret world
Wohlleben, Peter.

The hidden life of trees : what they feel, how they communicate : discoveries from a secret world

Wohlleben, Peter.


Publication Information
Vancouver, BC, Canada : David Suzuki Institute : Greystone Books Ltd, 2016.

Physical Description
xv, 272 s. : res. ; 20 cm

General Note
"Originally published in Germany in 2015 as Das geheime Leben der Bũme"--Title page verso.

Subject Term
Ağaçlar -- Çevresel yönler.
Trees -- Environmental aspects.
Orman ekolojsi.
Forest ecology.

Added Author
Flannery, Tim.

LibraryMaterial TypeItem BarcodeShelf Number[[missing key: search.ChildField.HOLDING]]Status
Beytepe LibraryBook7.2/19/23233QK475 W6413 2016Beytepe Genel Koleksiyon