Protein physics : a course of lectures / Boston : Academic Press, res. Soft condensed matter, complex fluids and biomaterials series. Introduction.- Elementary interactions in and around proteins.- Secondary structures of polypeptide chains.- Protein structures.- Cooperative transitions in protein molecules.- Prediction and design of protein structure.- Physical background of protein functions. PROTEİNLER-YAPI. PROTEİN BAĞLANMASI. Proteins -- Structure. Protein binding. Ptitsyn, Oleg Borisovich,1929-1999.
Finkelstei, Alexei V.

Protein physics : a course of lectures / Boston : Academic Press, res. Soft condensed matter, complex fluids and biomaterials series. Introduction.- Elementary interactions in and around proteins.- Secondary structures of polypeptide chains.- Protein structures.- Cooperative transitions in protein molecules.- Prediction and design of protein structure.- Physical background of protein functions. PROTEİNLER-YAPI. PROTEİN BAĞLANMASI. Proteins -- Structure. Protein binding. Ptitsyn, Oleg Borisovich,1929-1999.

Finkelstei, Alexei V.


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