Comparative Austronesian Dictionary : An Introduction to Austronesian Studies
Comparative Austronesian Dictionary : An Introduction to Austronesian Studies
Blaymires, Joan, contributor.
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1 online resource
Trends in Linguistics. Documentation [TiLDOC] , 10
Part 1: Fascicle 1 -- I-XXVIII -- 1. Introduction to the comparative Austronesian dictionary Darrell T. Tryon -- 2. The Austronesian languages Darrell T. Tryon -- 3. Some current issues in Austronesian linguistics Malcolm Ross -- 4. Listing of Austronesian languages. A'ARA - MAFOOR -- 4. Listing of Austronesian languages. MAFOORSCH - ZIRE -- Introductions to individual languages -- 1. Atayal Paul Jen-kuei Li -- 2. Tsou ShigeruTsuchida -- 3. Rukai Paul Jen-kuei Li -- 4. Paiwan Dah-an Ho -- 5. Yami Anne West -- 6. Isnag Rodolpho Barlaan -- 7. Kalinga Limos Harmut Wiens -- 8. Tagalog R.David Zorc -- 9. Aklanon R. David Zorc -- 10. Palawan Nicole Revel -- 11. Molbog R. David Zorc-Arnold Thiessen -- 12. Kagayanen Louise A. MacGregor -- 13. Sarangani Blaan Mary E.Rhea -- 14. Bāngingi Sama Eunice Diment -- 15. Timugon Murut D. J. Prentice -- 16. Malagasy K. A. Adelaar -- 17. Aceh Mark Durie -- 18. Toba Batak K. A. Adelaar -- 19. Minangkabau K. A. Adelaar -- 20. Indonesian Anton M. Moeliono - Charles E. Grimes -- 21. Sundanese Adrian Clynes -- 22. Javanese Adrian Clynes -- 23. Madurese Adrian Clynes -- 24. Balinese Adrian Clynes -- 25. Sasak Adrian Clynes -- 26. Gorontalo A.John Little Jr -- 27. Da'a Donald F. Barr -- 28. Uma Michael Martens -- 29. Bugis Husen Abas-Charles E. Grimes -- 30. Konjo Timothy Friberg -- 31. Wolio .J. C. Anceaux-Charles E. Grimes -- 32. Manggarai J. A. J.Verheijen-Charles E. Grimes -- 33. Ngada Stephanas Djawanai-Charles E. Grimes -- 34. Sika E. Douglas Lewis-Charles E. Grimes -- 35. Roti James J. Fox-Charles E. Grimes -- 36. Buru Charles E. Grimes -- 37. Dobel Jock Hughes -- 38. Irarutu C. L. Voorhoeve -- 39. Sawai Ronald Whisler - Jacqui Whisler -- Part 1: Fascicle 2 -- I-XVIII -- 5. Introductions to individual languages -- 40. Nyindrou -- 41. Manam -- 42. Takia -- 43. Dami -- 44. Mbula -- 45. Yabem -- 46. Kaulong -- 47. Tolai -- 48. Buang -- 49. Adzera -- 50. Kilivila -- 51. Tawala -- 52. Motu -- 53. Mekeo -- 54. Roviana -- 55. Maringe -- 56. Lau -- 57. Kwaio -- 58. Raga -- 59. Paamese -- 60. Lewo -- 61. Port Sandwich -- 62. North Tanna -- 63. Kwamera -- 64. Nemi -- 65. Cèmuhî -- 66. A'jië -- 67. Xârâcùù -- 68. Nengone -- 69. Kiribati -- 70. Marshallese -- 71. Ponapean -- 72. Woleaian -- 73. Eastern Fijian -- 74. Western Fijian -- 75. Rotuman -- 76. Tongan -- 77. Samoan -- 78. Mele-Fila -- 79. Tahitian -- 80. Rapanui -- 6. Select Austronesian bibliography. Part I -- 6. Select Austronesian bibliography. Part II -- 7. A glossary of Austronesian reconstructions -- Finder list -- Part 2 -- I-XVIII -- 8. Comparative Austronesian dictionary -- 1. The physical world -- 2. Mankind: sex, age, family relationships -- 3. Animals -- 4. Body parts, bodily functions, bodily conditions -- 5. Food and drink, cooking and utensils -- 9. Index of English glosses -- Part 3 -- I-XVIII -- 8. Comparative Austronesian dictionary. -- 5. Food and drink, cooking and utensils (сοnt.) -- 6. Clothing, personal adornment, personal care -- 06.570 Belt, Girdle -- 7. Dwelling, house, furnishings -- 8. Agriculture, vegetation -- 08.430 Wheat -- 9. Miscellaneous physical acts, specialised crafts, implements, materials, products -- 09.360 Wash -- 10. Motion: locomotion, transportation, navigation -- 10.431 Kick -- 10.640 Lead -- 11. Possession, property, commerce -- 11.640 Debt -- 12. Spatial relations: place, form, size -- 12.320 Low -- 9. Index of English glosses -- Part 4 -- I-XVIII -- 8. Comparative Austronesian dictionary. -- 12. Spatial relations: place, form, size -- 13. Quantity and number -- 14. Time -- 14.420 NIGHT - 14.780 SEASON -- 15. Sense perception -- 15.690 YELLOW - 15.890 WRINKLED -- 16. Emotion: temperamental, moral, aesthetic notions -- 16.390 GROAN - 17.110 MIND -- 17. Mind, thought -- 17.410 INTENTION, PURPOSE - 17.690 WHY? -- 18. Speech, reading, writing -- 19. Social relations: territorial, social, and political divisions -- 20. Warfare -- 21. Law -- 22. Religion and superstition -- 10. Index of English glosses
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