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Cover image for Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering Third International Conference, IWBBIO 2015, Granada, Spain, April 15-17, 2015. Proceedings, Part I
Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering Third International Conference, IWBBIO 2015, Granada, Spain, April 15-17, 2015. Proceedings, Part I
Ortuño, Francisco. editor.
1st ed. 2015.
Physical Description:
XXXVIII, 674 p. 252 illus. online resource.
Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics, 9043
Bioinformatics for healthcare and diseases -- A Segmentation-Free Model for Heart Sound Feature Extraction -- A Semantic Layer for Unifying and Exploring Biomedical Document Curation Results -- Blind and Visually Impaired students can perform computer-aided molecular design with an assistive molecular fabricator -- Characterization of pneumonia incidence supported by a business intelligence system -- Are wildres and pneumonia spatially and temporally related? -- Health Technology Assessment Models Utilized in the Chronic Care Management -- Prediction of human gene phenotype associations by exploiting the hierarchical structure of the Human Phenotype Ontology -- Mortality Prediction with Lactate and Lactate Dehydrogenase -- Intellectual Property Protection for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology -- Lupin allergy: uncovering structural features and epitopes of -conglutin proteins in Lupinus angustifolius L. with a focus on cross-allergenic reactivity to peanut and other legumes -- Biomedical Engineering -- Artificial Neural Networks in Acute Coronary Syndrome Screening -- A exible denormalization technique for data analysis above a deeply-structured relational database: biomedical applications -- Multilayer clustering: Biomarker driven segmentation of Alzheimer's disease patient population -- Entropy analysis of atrial activity morphology to study atrial brillation recurrences after ablation procedure -- Wireless Technology -- Cost-effectiveness studies in cardiology: application of medical devices -- Biomedical image analysis -- Preliminary Research on Combination of Exponential Wavelet and FISTA for CS-MRI -- Accurate Microscopic Red Blood Cell Image Enhancement and Segmentation -- A Hyperanalytic Wavelet Based Denoising Technique for Ultrasound Images -- Detection of Pathological Brain in MRI scanning based on Wavelet-entropy and Naive Bayes Classifier -- PloidyQuantX: a quantitative microscopy imaging tool for ploidy quantification at cell and organ level in Arabidopsisroot -- Study of the histogram of the hippocampus in MRI using the alpha-stable distribution -- A Novel Algorithm for Segmentation of Suspicious Microcalcification -- Regions on Mammograms -- A 3D Voxel Neighborhood Classification Approach within a Multiparametric MRI Classifier for Prostate Cancer Detection -- Towards precise segmentation of corneal endothelial cells -- Sliding box method for automated detection of the optic disc and macula in retinal images -- A simple hair removal algorithm from dermoscopic images -- Automatic segmentation system of emission tomography data based on classification system -- Biomedical signal analysis -- Alpha Rhythm Dominance in Human Emotional Attention States: An Experimentation with idling and binding Rhythms -- New insights in echocardiography based left-ventricle dynamics assessment -- Optimal Elbow Angle for MMG Signal Classification of Biceps Brachii -- during Dynamic Fatiguing Contraction -- From Single Fibre Action Potential to Surface Electromyographic Signal: A Simulation Study -- New algorithm for assessment of frequency duration of murmurs using Hilbert-Huang transform -- Heart rate regularity changes in older people with orthostatic intolerance -- Evolutionary Multiobjective Feature Selection in Multiresolution Analysis for BCI -- Dose calculation in a mouse lung tumor and in secondary organs during radiotherapy treatment: A Monte Carlo study -- Computational genomics -- Towards a More Efficient Discovery of Biologically Significant DNA Motifs -- Improved Core Genes Prediction for Constructing well-supported Phylogenetic Trees in large sets of Plant Species -- Comprehensive study of bivalent chromatin marks on promoters in mammalian embryonic stem cells -- Finding unknown nodes in phylogenetic graphs -- Supporting Bioinformatics Applications with Hybrid Multi-Cloud Services -- Relation between Insertion Sequences and Genome Rearrangements in Pseudomonas aeruginosa -- A genetic algorithm for motif finding based on statistical significance.-Identification and in silico analysis of NADPH oxidase homologues involved in allergy from an olive pollen transcriptome -- Identification of distinctive variants of the olive pollen allergen Ole e -- 5 (Cu,Zn Superoxide Dismutase) throughout the analysis of the olive pollen transcriptome -- A Computational Method for the Rate Estimation of Evolutionary Transpositions -- Genome Structure of Organelles Strongly Relates to Taxonomy of Bearers -- A unified integer programming model for genome rearrangement problems -- Statistical integration of p-values for enhancing discovery of radiotoxicity gene signatures -- Computational proteomics -- A pseudo de Bruijn graph representation for discretization orders for distance geometry -- Using Entropy Cluster-based Clustering for finding potential Protein Complexes -- A Weighted Cramer's V Index for the Assessment of Stability in the Fuzzy Clustering of Class C G Protein-Coupled Receptors -- P3D-SQL: Extending Oracle PL/SQL Capabilities Towards 3D Protein Structure Similarity Searching -- Evaluation of example-based measures for multi-label classification Performance -- Computational systems for modelling biological processes The MetaboX library: building metabolic networks from KEGG database -- Pseudoknots Prediction on RNA Secondary Structure Using Term Rewriting -- A model of the dynamics of a population of diabetics with and without complications with optimal control -- Logical Modeling and Analysis of Regulatory Genetic Networks in a Non Monotonic Framework -- The impact of obesity on type 2 Diabetes: Mathematical model -- Gene Expression vs Network Attractors -- A Computational Domain-based Feature Grouping Approach for Prediction of Stability of SCF Ligases -- A new approach to obtain EFMs using graph methods based on the shortest path between end nodes -- Identifiability of Nonlinear ODE Models in Systems Biology: Results from both Structural and Data-based methods -- Non-canonical imperfect base pair predictor: the RNA 3D structure modelingprocess improvement -- eHealth.
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