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Cover image for Advanced Communication and Intelligent Systems First International Conference, ICACIS 2022, Virtual Event, October 20-21, 2022, Revised Selected Papers
Advanced Communication and Intelligent Systems First International Conference, ICACIS 2022, Virtual Event, October 20-21, 2022, Revised Selected Papers
Shaw, Rabindra Nath. editor.
1st ed. 2023.
Physical Description:
XV, 795 p. 421 illus., 328 illus. in color. online resource.
Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1749
Towards 6G-enabled Edge-Cloud Continuum Computing - Initial Assessment -- Experiments with Big Semi-Structured Data Analytics for Digital Marketing -- Stratification of White Blood Cells using Optimized DenseNet201 Model -- "Generating Functions and Approximations of the Caputo Fractional Derivative I" -- Real-time 3D Reconstruction for Mixed Reality Telepresence using Multiple Depth Sensors -- A Robust Data Hiding Scheme Using Singular Value Decomposition and Wavelet Transform -- Simulation Experiments of a Distributed Fault Containment Algorithm Using Randomized Scheduler -- NOVEL COMPUTER VISION APPROACH FOR SCALE-SPECIFIC GENERATIVE STICK FIGURE AS SYNTHETIC TRIBAL ART WORKS -- Facial emotion recognition based on Textural pattern and Histogram of Oriented Gradient -- Fruit-Net: Fruits recognition system using Convolutional Neural Network -- PREDICTION OF GLAUCOMA USING DEEP LEARNING BASED APPROACHES -- Detection of Parkinson's Disease through Telemonitoring and Machine Learning Classifiers.-Implementation of smart contract using Ethereum Blockchain -- Prediction of Compressive strength of Geopolymer Concrete by using Random Forest Algorithm -- Cardiovascular Disease Prognosis & Analysis using Machine Learning Techniques -- Cardiac disease detection using IoT-enabled ECG Sensors and Deep Learning Approach -- Critical Evaluation of SIMON and SPECK BLOCK Cipher for different modes of operation -- An Analysis on the Methods for Water Quality Prediction from Satellite Images and Camera Images -- Energy efficient Routing in wireless sensor network for Moving nodes using Moth Flame Algorithm compared with vector based Routing -- Augmented Reality Using Gesture and Speech Accelerates User Interaction -- Survey and Performance Evaluation of Clustering and cooperative Medium Access protocols for Vehicular Networks -- Improve CNN model Agro-Crop Leaf Disease Identification based on Transfer Learning -- Per User based Multi Threshold Scheduling for BER Improvement compared to Priority Scheduling in MU-MIMO Networks -- Cervical Cancerous Cell Detection using Enhanced Classification and Embedded Deep Learning Method -- Hybridization of AES and RSA algorithm in File Encryption using Parallel Computing -- Lightweight Trust Aware Hybrid Key Management Scheme for WSN to Reduce the Energy Consumption in Comparison with TERP and LTB- AODV -- A comparative analysis of SIW Bandpass filters loaded with different shapes of DGS-DMS for satellite communication -- Efficient Energy Consumption Model for clusters in Wireless Sensor Network -- Emotion Identification from Tamil Song Lyrics using Machine Learning Algorithms -- AI Based Interactive System-HOMIE -- Factors Influencing Security Issues in Cloud Computing -- Code-Based Cryptography: A Comparative Study of Key Sizes -- Advance Collision Prevention System -- Energy Efficient Routing in Underwater Acoustic Sensor Network Using CROW Optimization Algorithm over AODV -- Sign language recognizing using Machine Learning -- A review of ClusteringTechniques on Image segmentation for reconstruction of buildings -- Deep Neural Networks for Wild Fire Detection and Monitoring with UAV -- PDR Improvements using Per User based Multi Threshold Scheduling compared to Priority Scheduling for MU-MIMO Networks -- Framework for Land Registry System Using Ethereum Blockchain -- A Comprehensive Study of Plant Disease Detection Using Deep Learning Methods -- APPLICATION OF A NOVEL DEEP LEARNING MODEL TO RECOGNIZE AND PREDICT KIDNEY DISEASE IN THE CONTEXT OF IMAGE PROCESSING -- Classification of adulterated food grain thermal images using Convolutional Neural Networks -- Distributed Hotel chain using Blockchain and Chainlink -- ACCURATE RATING SYSTEM USING BLOCKCHAIN -- Approaches to overcome human limitations by an Intelligent Autonomous system with a level of consciousness in reasoning, decision making and problem-solving capabilities -- BBACTFM (Blockchain Based Accurate Contact Tracing Framework Model) for Tourism Industry -- RANDOMIZED ACTIVELEARNING TO IDENTIFY PHISHING URL -- Data Analysis on ERP System of Easy-Payment Services -- "SELF-DRIVING CAR: LANE DETECTION AND COLLISION PREVENTION SYSTEM" -- A novel machine learning classification model to analyze the COVID-19 pandemic's impact on academics: Sentiment Analysis Approach -- Implementation of Optimal Leaf Feature Selection-based Plant Leaf Disease Classification Framework with RNN+GRU Technique -- Smart Lysimeter with Artificial Lighting and Plant Monitoring System -- Automatic Detection and Monitoring of Hate Speech in Online Multi-Social Media -- Energy Efficient Routing in Wireless Sensor Network for Moving Nodes using Genetic Algorithm Compared with PSO -- "Prediction of Compressive strength of Green Concrete by Artificial Neural Network" -- Early-Stage Dementia Detection by Optimize Feature Weights with Ensemble Learning -- IoT Enabled An Efficient Vehicle Parking System -- RECOMMENDATION SYSTEMS FOR A GROUP OF USERS WHICH RECOMMEND RECENT ATTENTION: UsingHybrid Recommendation Model -- Face mask detection and recognition with high accuracy on live streaming video using with improved YOLO V4 and comparing with Deep Learning Method -- SMART CITIES: P2P Energy Trading Using Blockchain -- A Predictive Energy Saving Technique for 5G Network Base Stations -- Cursor Motion Control using Eye Tracking and Computer Vision -- An IoT-Based Control System to Measure, Analyze, and Track Basic Vital Indicators in Patient Healthcare Monitoring System -- A Comprehensive Review on Skin Disease Classification Using Convolutional Neural Network and Support Vector Machine -- OPTIMIZATION OF ROUTING PROTOCOL FOR UNDERWATER ACOUSTIC SENSOR NETWORK USING MODIFIED LION ALGORITHM OVER DPSO -- COVID-19 Detection in the Images of Chest CT Scan using K-NN in Comparison with NB Classifier to Improve the Accuracy -- Deep learning based dynamic object addition to video instances for creating synthetic data -- Improved Accuracy in Speech Recognition System for Detection of Covid-19 using K Nearest Neighbour and Comparing with Artificial Neural Network -- Role of Artificial Intelligence in the screening of neoplastic oral lesions.
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