Moses und Aron : Oper in drei Akten = Moses and Aaron : opera in three acts
Schoenberg, Arnold, 1874-1951.
Publication Information:
Mainz : B. Schott's Söhne, c1957.
Physical Description:
Nota (300, [7] s.
Edition Schott ; 4935
General Note:
Three acts contemplated by Schönberg, but music to the first 2 only completed. Text of act 3: p. [304-307]
Added t.p. in English.
Libretto by the composer. Cf. Grove, 5th ed.
Publisher's no.: Edition Schott 4935.
Act I = I akt. The calling of Moses = Moses berufung -- Moses meets Aaron in the wasteland = Moses begegnet Aron in der Wuste -- Moses and Aaron bring god's message to the people = Moses und Aron verkunden dem volk die botschaft gottes.
Act II = II akt. Aaron and the seventy elders before the Mountain of Revelation = Aron und die 70 altesten vor dem berg der offenbarung -- The golden calf and the altar = Das goldene kalb und der altar -- Moses and Aaron = Moses und Aron.
Subject Term:
Library | Material Type | Item Barcode | Shelf Number | Status | Item Holds |
Searching... | Note | 7.2/15/18598 | M1503.S36 M61 1957 | Searching... | Searching... |