Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing 14th International Conference, ICAISC 2015, Zakopane, Poland, June 14-18, 2015, Proceedings, Part I
Rutkowski, Leszek. editor.
1st ed. 2015.
Physical Description:
XXVI, 804 p. 292 illus. online resource.
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 9119
Neural Networks and Their Applications -- Parallel approach to the Levenberg-Marquardt learning algorithm for feed forward neural networks -- Microarray Leukemia Gene Data Clustering by Means of Generalized Self-Organizing Neural Networks with Evolving Tree-Like Structures -- Innovative Types and Abilities of Neural Networks Based on Associative Mechanisms and a New Associative Model of Neurons -- Complexity of shallow networks representing finite mappings -- Probabilistic Neural Network Training Procedure with the Use of SARSA Algorithm -- Extensions of Hopeld Neural Networks for solving of stereo-matching Problem -- Molecular approach to Hopeld neural network -- Toward work groups classification based on probabilistic neural network Approach -- Adaptation of RBM learning for Intel MIC architecture -- Using an Artificial Neural Network to Predict Loop Transformation Time -- Using Parity-N problems as a way to compare abilities of shallow, very shallow and very deep architectures -- Product Multi-kernels for Sensor Data Analysis -- Fuzzy Systems and Their Applications -- A Fuzzy Approach to Competitive Clusters Using Moore Families -- A Fingerprint Retrieval Technique using Fuzzy Logic-based Rules -- Initial Comparison of Formal Approaches to Fuzzy and Rough Sets -- Comparative approach to the multi-valued logic construction for Preferences -- Learning Rules for Type-2 Fuzzy Logic System in The Control of DeNOx Filter -- Selected Applications of P1-TS Fuzzy Rule-Based Systems -- Fuzzy Agglomerative Clustering -- An exponential-type entropy measure on intuitionistic fuzzy sets -- Comparative Analysis of MCDM Methods for Assessing the Severity of Chronic Liver Disease -- Solving Zadeh's challenge problems with the application of RDM-arithmetic -- The Directed Compatibility Between Ordered Fuzzy Numbers - a Base Tool for a Direction Sensitive Fuzzy Information Processing -- Learning Rules for Hierarchical Fuzzy Logic Systems with Selective Fuzzy Controller Activation -- A new approachto the rule-base evidential reasoning with application -- Bias-correction fuzzy c-regressions algorithm -- Interval Type-2 Locally Linear Neuro Fuzzy Model based on Locally Linear Model Tree -- Evolutionary Algorithms and Their Applications -- Hybrids of two-subpopulation PSO algorithm with local search methods for continuous optimization -- Parallel coevolutionary algorithm for three-dimensional bin packing Problem -- Adaptive Differential Evolution: SHADE with Competing Crossover Strategies -- A Parallel Approach for Evolutionary Induced Decision Trees -- MPI+OpenMP Implementation -- On the ability of the one-point crossover operator to search the space in a genetic algorithm -- Multiple Choice Strategy for PSO Algorithm Enhanced with Dimensional Mutation -- A hybrid differential evolution-gradient optimization method -- On the Tuning of Complex Dynamics Embedded into Differential Evolution -- IV Classification and Estimation -- Mathematical Characterization of Sophisticated Variants for Relevance Learning in Learning Matrix Quantization Based on Schatten-p-norms -- Adaptive Active Learning with Ensemble of Learners and Multiclass Problems -- Orthogonal Series Estimation of Regression Functions in Nonstationary Conditions -- A comparison of shallow decision trees under real-boost procedure in application to landmine detection using Ground Penetrating Radar -- A new Interpretability Criteria for Neuro-fuzzy Systems for Nonlinear Classification -- Multi-class nearest neighbor classier for incomplete data handling -- Cross-Entropy Clustering approach to One-class classification -- Comparison of the Efficiency of Time and Frequency Descriptors Based on the Different Classification Conceptions -- CNC Milling Tool Head Imbalance Prediction Using Computational Intelligence Methods -- A Feature-based Machine Learning Agent for Automatic Rice and Weed Discrimination -- Relation of average error in Prolate Spheroidal Wave Functions algorithm for bandlimited functions approximation to radius of information -- Algebraic Logical Meta-Model of Decision Processes - New Metaheuristics -- Specific object detection scheme based on descriptors fusion using belief Functions -- Video Key Frame Detection Based on SURF Algorithm -- Automatic Diagnosis of Melanoid Skin Lesions Using Machine Learning Methods -- An Edge Detection using 2D Gaussian Function in Computed Tomography -- Facial displays description schemas for smiling vs. neutral emotion Recognition -- Image Segmentation in Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber Detector -- Massively parallel change detection with application to visual quality Control -- A Fuzzy Logic Approach for Gender Recognition from face Images with embedded Bandlets -- Interpretation of image segmentation in terms of justifiable granularity -- Information Granules in Application to Image Recognition -- Can we process 2D images using Artificial Bee Colony? -- Workshop: Large-Scale Visual Recognition and Machine Learning -- Improving effectiveness of SVM classier for large scale data -- Reducing time complexity of SVM model by LVQ data compression -- Secure Representation of Images Using Multi-layer Compression -- Images Indexing and Retrieval Using GSOM Algorithm -- Multi-layer Architecture For Storing Visual Data Based on WCF and Microsoft SQL Server Database -- Object Localization Using Active Partitions and Structural Description -- Supervised Transform Learning for Face Recognition -- Fast Dictionary Matching for Content-based Image Retrieval -- Recognition and Modeling of Atypical Children Behavior -- Intelligent Fusion of Infrared and Visible Spectrum for Video Surveillance Application -- Visual Saccades for Object Recognition -- Improving Image Processing Performance using Database User-Defined Functions.
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