Cover image for Kidney Stone Disease Say NO to Stones!
Kidney Stone Disease Say NO to Stones!
Schulsinger, David A. editor.
1st ed. 2015.
Physical Description:
XVIII, 249 p. 85 illus., 53 illus. in color. online resource.
Section A. My personal encounter with the Medical Profession, Surgery and Pain -- 1. Room #2: The test I could not study for -- 2. Visiting the other side: The roller coaster ride continues! -- Section B. The significance of Stone Disease -- 3. The Urinary Tract: The Inside Story! -- 4. Rock of Ages: Stones have stood the test of time! -- 5. Facts and Figures: Stones by the numbers! -- 6. Urinary Tract Stones: From the invisible to the clearly distinct and discernible stone! -- 7 Stone Characteristics: Not all stones are created equal!.- Section C. Risk factors, Risk Group -- 8. Metabolic and Hereditary Factors: Are you stone prone? -- 9. The Stone Belt -- 10. Sex and Stones: Sex and stones may break your bones, but water will not harm you! -- 11. Pregnancy and Stones: Stubborn Stone Situations -- 12. Children and Elderly with Stones: Stones for the Ages! -- 13. Obesity and stones: Losing the waist is more than weight! -- Section D. The Work-up -- 14. Symptoms: Listen to how your stone is communicating with you! -- 15. The incidental Stone- It may not be so insignificant! -- 16. Stone Disease Imaging: There is more to x-rays than what we see! -- Section E. Treatment -- 17. Who, what, where and when to treat: Who should be my Urologist? Pick your doc to break your rock! -- 18. Meeting your expectations: What to anticipate before, during and after treatment! -- 19. Medical Therapy: Mind your Medicines! -- 20.The Surgical Procedure: No Doc, No Shock! -- 21. Treatment of Complex Stones: Location, Location, Location! -- 22. Ureteral Stents: To stent or not to stent, that is a great question! -- 23. Managing your pre-operative and post-operative pain -- Section F. Prevention -- 24. Stop the Stones! Necessary tests to determine your risk for stones -- 25. Hydration: Why we drink, when to drink, what to drink, and how much to drink, that is the question! -- 26. Complimentary Medicine: A Natural and Healthy approach to Stone Prevention -- 27. Nutrition Recommendations to Prevent KidneyStones: Realistic dietary goals and expectations -- 28. Diet Fads and Stones: Is your diet all cracked up to what it is supposed to be? -- 29. Maintain control: Managing your expectations! -- Section G. Bonus -- 30. Update: What is new on the horizon.- 31. Special Stone Stories -- 32. Billing, Coding and Your Stone: What the Patient should know! -- 33. ObamaCare and your stone: Good news, bad news!.
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