Biology and physiology of freshwater neotropical fish
Baldisserotto, Bernardo, editor.
Physical Description:
1 online resource
Front Cover; Biology and Physiology of Freshwater Neotropical Fish; Copyright; Contents; Contributors; Chapter 1: Phylogeny and classification of Neotropical fish; Introduction; Phylogenies and organization of biological diversity; Phylogenetic relationships between groups of modern fish and the Tetrapodomorpha; Diversification of Actinopterygii and main Neotropical lineages; Diversity and classification of Neotropical Otophysa; The Characiformes; The Siluriformes; The Gymnotiformes; Diversity and classification of Neotropical Euteleosteomorpha; The Cyprinodontiformes; The Cichliformes
What novelties are expected in the phylogeny and classification of the Neotropical fish?References; Chapter 2: Anatomy of Teleosts and elasmobranchs; Introduction; Common features of the external and internal anatomy of fish; Tegument; Scales; Fins; General anatomy of Teleosts and elasmobranchs; Digestive system; Respiratory system; Swim (gas) bladder; Weberian apparatus; Renal system; Reproductive system; Nervous system; Endocrine system; General anatomy of Neotropical Characins, Siluriform, and Cichlidae; Pacu Piaractus mesopotamicus (Holmberg, 1887); Silver catfish Rhamdia sp.
Millet or pike cichlid Crenicichla sp. Final considerations; References; Further reading; Chapter 3: The genetic bases of physiological processes in fish; Introduction; Genetic diversity and physiological adaptation; Environmental cues and expression of genes involved in reproductive physiology; Use of genetic tools in ecotoxicological studies with neotropical fish; Triploidy induction in fish; Transgenic fish in physiological studies; References; Further reading; Chapter 4: Behavior and welfare; Introduction; Basis for the study of behavior; What is behavior?; Behavior structure
Reflex behaviorTaxis; Inborn behavior (instinctive); Learning; Classical or Pavlovian conditioning; Operant conditioning; Aggression and territoriality; Behavioral basis and welfare; Welfare; Historical rudiments of considerations about animal feelings; Reasons for debates on fish welfare; How has sentience been studied in fish?; Logical reasons for the fish suffering issue; How to evaluate fish welfare?; The personality of fish and their well-being; The preference tests as indicators of conditions for well-being; Concluding remarks; References; Further reading
Chapter 5: Stress and immune system in fishIntroduction; Organization and mechanisms of the stress responses; Primary stress responses: Alarm for the mobilization of biological systems of adaptation and resistance; Secondary stress responses: Adaptive response to the maintenance of organic homeostasis; Tertiary stress responses: Exhaustion of biological systems; Fish immune system; The innate and acquired immune system of teleost fish; Cell-mediated immune system and humoral compounds; Cell-mediated immune system; Humoral immune system
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