Functional foods in cancer prevention and therapy
Kabir, Yearul, 1958- editer.
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1 online resource
Intro -- Functional Foods in Cancer Prevention and Therapy -- Copyright -- Contents -- Contributors -- Author biographies -- Chapter 1: Natural remedies and functional foods as angiogenesis modulators -- Angiogenesis definition and background -- Molecular mechanism of angiogenesis -- Screening methods of angiogenesis modulators -- Natural angiogenesis modulators -- Concluding remarks and future perspective -- References -- Chapter 2: Targeted cancer therapy with bioactive foods and their products -- Introduction -- Pathophysiology of cancer -- Classification of anticancer bioactive foods -- Classification of anticancer bioactive foods based on origin -- Anticancer bioactive foods of plant origin -- Anticancer bioactive foods of animal origin -- Anticancer bioactive foods of microbial origin -- Classification of anticancer bioactive foods based on the mechanism of action -- Antimetastatic bioactive foods -- Antiproliferative bioactive foods -- Bioactive foods inducing apoptosis -- Antiangiogenic bioactive foods -- Anticancer bioactive foods scavenging free radicals -- Anticancer bioactive foods inhibiting matrix metalloproteinases -- Anticancer bioactive foods inducing DNA methylation -- Classification based on the chemical nature of anticancer bioactive food components -- Anticancer bioactive foods with phenolic components -- Anticancer bioactive foods with flavonoid components -- Anticancer bioactive foods with carotenoid components -- Anticancer bioactive foods with saponin components -- Anticancer bioactive foods with fatty acid components -- Anticancer bioactive foods with sulforaphane components -- Anticancer bioactive foods with dietary fiber components -- Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 3: Natural compounds and anticancer effects: The whole is greater than the sum of its parts -- Cancer research -- Anticancer products from nature.
Main natural cancer therapeutics -- Tubulin-binding agents -- Topoisomerase inhibitors -- Other drugs from natural sources -- Cancer prevention or natural chemopreventive agents -- An example of synergistic interaction -- Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 4: Relationship between functional food and tumor metabolism -- Introduction: Functional foods -- Functional foods exert their beneficial effects mostly through cellular metabolism -- Metabolic dysregulation in tumor cells -- Tumor metabolism: Glycolysis and acidosis -- Tumor metabolism: Mitochondria and altered TCA cycle fate -- Functional foods: Metabolic reprogramming in tumor cells and emerging concepts in therapeutic strategies -- Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 5: Adiponectin-enhancing dietary constituents in cancer prevention -- Introduction -- Inflammation in carcinogenesis -- Antiinflammatory adiponectin and allied compounds -- Omega-3 PUFAs and adiponectin -- Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 6: Lentils (Lens culinaris L.): A candidate chemopreventive and antitumor functional food -- Introduction -- Anticancer chemical constituents of lentils -- High polar phytochemicals -- Polyphenols -- Proteins and bioactive peptides -- Lectins -- Defensin -- Protease inhibitors -- Phytosterols -- Saponins -- Medium polar phytochemicals -- Flavonoids -- Less polar phytochemicals -- Squalene -- Insoluble lentils products -- Fibers -- Phytic acid (hexaphosphorylated inositol, IP6) -- Epidemiological evidence on the chemopreventive potential of lentils -- Experimental evidence -- In vivo studies -- In vitro studies -- Remarks and conclusions -- References -- Chapter 7: Evidence for anticancer properties of honey with emphasis on mechanistic overview -- Introduction -- Chemistry of honey -- Pharmacological uses of honey -- Honey stimulates the immune system -- Honey as antioxidants.
Bitter gourd (Momordica charantia) -- Future research needed -- References -- Further reading -- Chapter 11: Antioxidant phytochemicals in cancer prevention and therapy-An update -- Introduction -- Cancer: Public health burden and ACM -- Cancer and oxidative stress -- Antioxidant phytochemicals (APH) -- APH in cancer prevention -- APH in cancer therapy -- Metabolic fate of APH -- APHs as prooxidants -- Conclusion -- Acknowledgments -- References -- Further reading -- Chapter 12: Prooxidant anticancer activity of plant-derived polyphenolic compounds: An underappreciated phenomenon -- Introduction -- Cancer chemoprevention and polyphenols -- A copper-mediated prooxidant anticancer mechanism of polyphenols -- Oxidative DNA breakage induced by polyphenols in the presence of copper ions in vitro -- Polyphenols mobilize nuclear copper to mediate prooxidant DNA damage -- Inducing high copper levels in lymphocytes leads to increase in polyphenol-induced DNA breakage -- Polyphenol induced cell death in cancer cells occur through mobilization of intracellular copper and generation of ROS -- Copper-mediated prooxidant anticancer action of polyphenols is augmented at acidic pH microenvironment associated with tumors -- Making sense of the prooxidant action of polyphenols -- Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 13: Plant-based products in cancer prevention and treatment -- Introduction -- Cancer and oxidative stress -- Antioxidant therapeutics in cancer -- Phytochemicals as anticancer therapeutics -- Cellular mechanism of actions of phytochemicals -- Nutraceuticals as anticancer therapy -- Therapeutic efficacy and purification of anticancer phytochemicals -- Development and use of synthetic analogs to plant-derived substances -- Conclusion -- References -- Further reading -- Chapter 14: Overview of probiotics in cancer prevention and therapy -- Introduction.
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