Ontolinguistics : How Ontological Status Shapes the Linguistic Coding of Concepts
Ontolinguistics : How Ontological Status Shapes the Linguistic Coding of Concepts
Bateman, John A., contributor.
Physical Description:
1 online resource (486 p.)
Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs [TiLSM] , 176
Frontmatter -- Contents -- I Introduction -- Ontolinguistics - An outline -- Ontologies across disciplines -- II Foundations, general ontologies, and linguistic -- categories -- The emergence of a shared action ontology: Building -- blocks for a theory -- Formal representation of concepts: The Suggested -- Upper Merged Ontology and its use in linguistics -- Linguistic interaction and ontological -- mediation -- Semantic primes and conceptual ontology -- Using 'Ontolinguistics' for language -- description -- Language as mind sharing device: Mental and -- linguistic concepts in a general ontology of everyday life -- III Concepts with closed-class coding -- The representation of spatial structure in spoken -- and signed language: A neural model -- Postural categories and the classification of -- nominal concepts: A case study of Goemai -- Spatial 'on' - 'in' categories and their -- prepositional codings across languages: Universal constraints on -- language specificity -- Semantic categorizations and encoding -- strategies -- IV Categories with open-class coding -- Taxonomic and meronomic superordinates with nominal -- coding -- Motion events in concept hierarchies: Identity -- criteria and French examples -- On the ontological, conceptual, and grammatical -- foundations of verb classes -- The ontological loneliness of verb phrase -- idioms -- Relating ontological knowledge and internal -- structure of eventity concepts -- Backmatter
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