The Nordic Languages : An International Handbook of the History of the North Germanic Languages. Volume 1
Allén, Sture, contributor.
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1 online resource (1057 p.)
Handbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft / Handbooks of Linguistics and Communication Science [HSK] , 22/1
Frontmatter -- Inhalt -- I. Introduction -- 1. The Nordic language area and the languages in the north of Europe -- 2. The Nordic languages in a Germanic perspective -- 3. Diachrony and synchrony in Nordic language history -- 4. Previous attempts at establishing periods in Nordic language history -- 5. The data basis of a Nordic language history -- II. Perspectives in research history I: From the beginnings to the middle of the 20th century -- 6. Previous attempts at writing a Nordic language history -- 7. Outline of research on Nordic language history before 1800 -- 8. Research in Danish language history 1850-1950. An overview -- 9. Research in Swedish language history 1850-1950. An overview -- 10. Research in Norwegian language history 1850-1950. An overview -- 11. Research in Icelandic language history 1850-1950. An overview -- 12. Research in Faroese language history 1850-1950. An overview -- III. Perspectives in research history II: The contribution of Nordic research to historical linguistics (until 1950) -- 13. Nordic contributions to historical linguistics before 1800 -- 14. Contributions to Nordic language history by non-Nordic linguists (until ca. 1980) -- 15. The contribution of the Nordic countries to historical-comparative linguistics: Rasmus Rask and his followers -- 16. The contribution of Scandinavian neogrammarians -- 17. The Scandinavian contribution to structuralism (until 1950) -- IV. Perspectives in research history III: Theoretical and methodological perspectives in current historical linguistic description (after 1950) -- 18. Nordic language history and structural linguistics -- 19. Nordic language history and generative transformational grammar -- 20. Nordic language history and language typology -- 21. Nordic language history and research on word order -- 22. Nordic language history and research on universals and theories of linguistic change -- 23. Nordic language history and sociolinguistics -- 24. Nordic language history and research on languages in contact and on multilingualism -- 25. Nordic language history and research on styles and registers -- 26. Nordic language history and pragmatics -- 27. Nordic language history and research on types of texts -- 28. Nordic language history and phraseology/idiomatics -- 29. Nordic language history and historical contrastive linguistics -- 30. Nordic language history: Semiotics and the theory of naturalness -- 31. Nordic language history and (lexical) semantics -- 32. Nordic language history and computer-aided lexical research -- V. Perspectives in research history IV: The contribution of Nordic dialectology -- 33. General history of Nordic dialectology -- 34. The contribution of Nordic dialectology to language history -- 35. Nordic language history and current trends in dialectology -- VI. Nordic language history as a part of social and cultural history -- 36. Nordic language history and studies in general history -- 37. Nordic language history and archaeology -- 38. Nordic lexical items and the history of material culture -- 39. Nordic language history and cultural geography -- 40. Nordic language history and legal history -- 41. Nordic language history and the history of ideas I: Humanism -- 42. Nordic language history and the history of ideas II: Rationalism and Enlightenment since the 18th century -- 43. Nordic language history and the history of ideas III: Nationalism, identity and democratic movements in the 19th and 20th centuries -- 44. Nordic language history and religion/ecclesiastical history I: The pre-Christian period -- 45. Nordic language history and religion/ecclesiastical history II: Christianization -- 46. Nordic language history and religion/ecclesiastical history III: Luther' s Reformation -- 47. Nordic language history and religion/ecclesiastical history IV: From Pietism to the present -- 48. Nordic language history and natural and technical sciences -- 49. Nordic language history and literary history I: Denmark -- 50. Nordic language history and literary history II: Sweden -- 51. Nordic language history and literary history III: Norway -- 52. Nordic language history and literary history IV: Iceland -- 53. Nordic language history and literary history V: Faroe Islands -- 54. Nordic language history and the history of philosophy -- 55. The special case of Grundtvig: Poet, philosopher, politician, educator -- 56 . Nordic language history and the history of translation I: Danish -- 57. Nordic language history and the history of translation II: Swedish -- 58. Nordic language history and the history o f translation III: Norwegian -- 59. Nordic language history and the history of translation IV: Icelandic -- 60. Nordic language history and the history of translation V: Faroese -- VII. Nordic as a part of Old Germanic -- 62. Nordic, Germanic, Indo-European and the structure of the Germanic language family -- 63. Nordic-Gothic linguistic relations -- 64. Nordic-West Germanic relations -- 65. Nordic and North Sea Germanic relations -- 66. Contact with non-Germanic languages I: Relations to the West -- 67. Contact with non-Germanic languages II: Relations to the East -- 68. Scandinavia in the light of ancient tradition -- VIII. Ancient Nordic (1st - 7th century) -- 69. The Ancient Nordic period. A historical survey -- 70. Delimitation of Ancient Nordic from Common Germanic and Old Nordic -- 71. A survey of ancient Nordic sources -- 72. The Ancient Nordic period: An archaeological survey -- 73. Runes : Origin, development of the futhark, functions, applications, and methodological considerations -- 74. The Ancient-Nordic linguistic system from a typological point of view: Phonology, graphemics , morphology, syntax and word order -- 75. The development of Proto-Nordic lexicon -- 76. The development of Proto-Nordic personal names -- 77. The development of Proto-Nordic place-names -- 78. Sociolinguistic perspectives and language contact in Proto-Nordic -- IX. From Ancient Nordic to Old Nordic (from the 6th Century until 1100) -- 79 . From Ancient Nordic to Old Nordic: Definition and delimitation of the period -- 80. The sources of the transitional period between Ancient Nordic and Old Nordic -- 81. Phonological and graphematic developments from Ancient Nordic to Old Nordic -- 82. Morphological developments from Ancient Nordic to Old Nordic -- 83. Syntactic developments from Ancient Nordic t o Old Nordic -- 84. Lexical developments from Ancient Nordic to Old Nordic -- 85. Developments of personal names from Ancient Nordic to Old Nordic -- 86. The development of place-names from Ancient Nordic to Old Nordic -- 87. Sociolinguistic perspectives in the transitional period between Proto-Nordic and Old-Nordic -- 88. Language contact in the period between Ancient Nordic and Old Nordic -- X. Old Nordic (from 1100 to the mid- 1 4th century) I: General survey, tradition -- 89. Nordic history in the Middle Ages and the extension of Nordic: Cultural and historical preconditions of language -- 90. Old Nordic: A definition and delimitation of the period -- 91. The history of Old Nordic manuscripts I: Old Icelandic -- 92. The history of Old Nordic manuscripts II: Old Norwegian (incl . Faroese) -- 93. The history of Old Nordic manuscripts III: Old Swedish -- 94. The history of Old Nordic manuscripts IV: Old Danish -- 95. The development of Latin script I: in Norway -- 96. The development of Latin script II: in Iceland -- 98. The development of Latin script IV: in Denmark -- 99. History of Old Nordic metrics -- XI. Old Nordic II: Grammatical system, lexicon, texts -- 100 . The various Old Nordic dialects, their systems and their typology: A general survey of the classical Old Nordic of the High Middle Ages -- 101. The phonological systems of Old Nordic I: Old Icelandic and Old Norwegian -- 102. The phonological systems of Old Nordic II: Old Swedish and Old Danish -- 103. The morphology of Old Nordic I: Old Icelandic and Old Norwegian -- 104. The morphology of Old Nordic II: Old Swedish and Old Danish -- 105. The syntax of Old Nordic -- 106. The Old Nordic lexicon -- 107. The development of Old Nordic personal names -- 108. The development of Old Nordic place-names -- 109.
Old Nordic types of texts I: Old Icelandic and Old Norwegian -- 110. Old Nordic types of texts II: Old Swedish and Old Danish -- 111. Translations and interference by translation in Old Nordic I: Old Icelandic and Old Norwegian -- 112. Translations and interference by translation in Old Nordic II: Old Swedish and Old Danish -- XII. Old Nordic III: The ecology of language -- 113. Dialects and written language in Old Nordic I: Old Norwegian and Old Icelandic -- 114. Dialects and written language in Old Nordic II: Old Danish and Old Swedish -- 115. Language contact during the Old Nordic period I: with the British Isles, Frisia and the Hanseatic League -- 116. Language contact during the Old Nordic period II: with Eastern Europe -- 117. Language contact during the Old Nordic period III: The impact of Christianity on Old Nordic -- 118. History and development of Old Nordic outside the Scandinavia of today
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