Old English Runes : Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Approaches and Methodologies with a Concise and Selected Guide to Terminologies
Bammesberger, Alfred, contributor.
Physical Description:
1 online resource (XIX, 337 p.)
Ergänzungsbände zum Reallexikon der Germanischen Altertumskunde , 134
Frontmatter -- Contents -- List of Abbreviations -- List of Figures -- List of Tables -- List of Maps -- Introduction -- The Ruthwell Crucifixion Poem Revisited -- Early Anglo-Saxon Runic Pots at Spong Hill, Norfolk, England -- The Archaeological Dating of the Early Finds: How Certain are the Results? -- Inscriptions on Stone Monuments: Methodological Concerns -- Frisian Runes Revisited and an Update on the Bergakker Runic Item -- The Mysterious Gandersheim Casket: Are There Any Hard Facts? -- Runic Finds from the Kingdom of East Anglia and Their Archaeological Contexts -- The adventus Saxonum from an Archaeological Point of View: How Many Phases Were There? -- The Runic Inscription skanomodu: Frisian or Anglo-Frisian? -- Introductory Remarks on the Contributions by Leslie Webster and Gaby Waxenberger on the Franks Casket -- A. The Dating and Provenance of the Franks Casket: An Art-Historical Perspective -- B. The Franks Casket and its Inscriptions -- C. The Dating and Provenance of the Franks Casket: A Linguistic and Runological Perspective -- A Concise and Selected Guide to Terminologies -- Indices