The Language of Colour in the Bible : Embodied Colour Terms related to Green
García Ureña, Lourdes, author.
Physical Description:
1 online resource (XVI, 238 p.)
Fontes et Subsidia ad Bibliam pertinentes , 11
Frontmatter -- Acknowledgements -- Preface -- Contents -- I Colour Terms: object, study and method -- I.1 Understanding colour in the Bible -- II The Hebrew Bible Corpus -- II.1 ירק yereq and its polysemy: 'verdure', 'the colour of grass in the spring' -- II.2 יר קקר yǝ raqraq and its polysemy: 'the colour of mould', 'the colour of gold' -- II.3 ירוק yā rôq: 'greenery' -- II.4 ירקון yēr ā qôn: 'the colour of fear' -- III The Greek Bible Corpus (LXX and NT) -- III.1 Χλωρός and its polysemy: 'the colour of vegetation', 'the colour of death', 'greenness' -- III.2 Χλωρότης: 'the colour of a kind of gold' -- III.3 Χλωρίζω: 'to turn greenish' -- III.4 Πράσινος: 'stone as a colour' -- IV The Latin Bible Corpus -- IV.1 Viridis and its polysemy: 'the colour of grass', 'the colour of the almond, poplar and plane trees', 'greenness' -- IV.2 Viriditas: 'greenery' -- IV.3 Viror and its polysemy: 'the colour of calamus and reeds', 'the colour of a type of gold', 'verdure' -- IV.4 Vireo: 'to show the colour of plants' -- IV.5 Viresco: 'to become the colour of a tree or the new fresh grass' -- IV.6 Pallidus: 'the colour of death' -- IV.7 Pallor and its polysemy: 'mould', 'the colour of a type of gold', 'the colour of fear' -- V The language of Colour in the Bible -- V.1 Conclusion -- Abbreviations -- Bibliography -- Index of Ancient Sources