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Cover image for Modern nutrition in health and disease
Modern nutrition in health and disease
Shils, Maurice E. (Maurice Edward), ed.
10th ed.
Publication Information:
Philadelphia : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, c2006.
Physical Description:
xxv, 2069 s. : res. ; 29 cm.
General Note:
"50th Anniversary edition."
Evolution of knowledge of essential nutrients / Kenneth J. Carpenter and Alfred E. Harper -- Human energy metabolism / John M. Kinney -- Management of infantile diarrhea and dehydration / Samuel J. Fomon -- Proteins and amino acids / Dwight E. Matthews -- Carbohydrates / Nancy L. Keim, Roy L. Levin, and Peter J. Havel -- Dietary fiber / Joanne R. Lupton and Paula R. Trumbo -- Lipids / Peter J.H. Jones and Stanley Kubow -- Cholesterol and other dietary sterols / David Kritchevsky -- Energy needs: assessment and requirements / Nancy F. Butte and Benjamin Caballero -- Electrolytes, water, and acid-base balance / Man S. Oh and Jaime Uribarri -- Calcium / Connie M. Weaver and Robert P. Heaney -- Phosphorus / James P. Knochel -- Magnesium / Robert K. Rude and Maurice E. Shils -- Iron / Richard J. Wood and Alayne G. Ronnenberg -- Zinc / Robert J. Cousins and Janet C. King and Robert J. Cousins -- Copper / Judith R. Turnlund -- Iodine / John T. Dunn -- Selenium / Raymond F. Burk and Orville A. Levander -- Manganese / Alan L. Buchman -- Chromium / Barbara J. Stoecker -- Other trace elements and ultratrace minerals / Curtis D. Eckhert -- Vitamin A and carotenoids / A. Catharine Ross -- Vitamin D / Michael F. Holick -- Vitamin E / Maret G. Traber -- Vitamin K / John W. Suttie -- Thiamin / Roger F. Butterworth -- Riboflavin / Donald B. McCormick -- Niacin / Christelle Bourgeois, Daniel Cervantes-Laurean, and Joel Moss --

Vitamin B6 / Amy D. Mackey, Steven R. Davis, and Jesse F. Gregory, III -- Pantothenic acid / Paula R. Trumbo -- Folic acid / Ralph Carmel -- Cobalamin (vitamin B12) / Ralph Carmel -- Biotin / Donald M. Mock -- Vitamin C / Mark Levine, Arie Katz, and Sebastian J. Padayatty -- Choline and phosphatidylcholine / Steven H. Zeisel and Mihai D. Niculescu -- Carnitine / Charles J. Rebouche -- Homocysteine, cysteine, and taurine / Martha H. Stipanuk -- Glutamine / Alan L. Buchman -- Arginine and nitric oxide / Benjamin M. Chionglo Sy, Erin E. Dweik, and Raed A. Dweik -- Phytochemicals / Ronald L. Prior -- Clinical manifestations of nutrient deficiencies / Douglas C. Heimburger, Donald S. McLaren, and Maurice E. Shils -- Nutrient regulation of gene expression and nutritional genomics / Robert J. Cousins -- Polymorphisms: effect on nutrient utilization and metabolism / Patrick J. Stover and Cutberto Garza -- Hormones and growth factors / Irwin J. Brodsky -- Cytokines and eicosanoids / Joseph G. Cannon -- Nutrition and the immune system / Gabriel Fernandes, Christopher A. Jolly, and Richard A. Lawrence -- Oxidant defense in oxidative and nitrosative stress / James A. Thomas -- The chemical senses and nutrition / Richard D. Mattes -- Controls of food intake / Gerard P. Smith -- Physical activity, fitness, and health / Gary R. Hunter -- Metabolic consequences of starvation / L. John Hoffer -- Body composition and anthropometry / Steven B. Heymsfield and Richard Baumgartner --

Pregnancy / R. Elaine Turner -- Lactation / Mary Frances Picciano and Sharon S. McDonald -- Infancy and childhood / William C. Heird -- Adolescence / Margarita S. Treuth and Ian Griffin -- Adulthood / Douglas C. Heimburger -- The elderly / Connie Watkins Bales and Christine Seel Ritchie -- Malnutrition among children in the united states: the impact of poverty / Robert Karp -- Pediatric feeding problems / Richard Katz, Ramasamy Manikam, and Linda Schuberth -- Protein-energy malnutrition / Benjamin Torâun -- Inherited metabolic disease: amino acids, organic acids, and galactose / Louis J. Elsas, II, and Phyllis B. Acosta -- Inherited metabolic disease: defects of ?-oxidation / Jerry Vockley and Deborah L. Renaud -- Childhood obesity / William H. Dietz -- Nutritional management of infants and children with specific diseases or other conditions / Arthur Cooper and William C. Heird -- Metabolic syndrome: definition, relationship to insulin resistance, and clinical utility / Gerald M. Reaven -- Obesity: etiology / James O. Hill, Victoria A. Catenacci, and Holly R. Wyatt -- Obesity: management / Thomas A. Wadden, Kirstin J. Byrne, and Stephanie Krauthamer-Ewing -- Diabetes mellitus / James W. Anderson -- Nutrient and genetic regulation of lipoprotein: metabolism / Margo A. Denke -- Nutrition in the management of disorders of serum lipids and lipoproteins / Scott M. Grundy -- Nutrition, diet, and hypertension / Theodore A. Kotchen and Jane Morley Kotchen -- Congestive heart failure / John R. Hoyle and Frederic R. Kahl --

Alimentary tract in nutrition / Samuel Klein, Steven M. Cohn, and David H. Alpers -- Assessment of malabsorption / Darlene G. Kelly -- Nutrition and dental medicine / Dominick P. DePaola ... [et al.] -- The esophagus and stomach / William F. Stenson -- Intestinal disaccharidase depletions / Steven R. Hertzler ... [et al.] -- Short bowel syndrome / Khursheed N. Jeejeebhoy -- Inflammatory bowel disease / Anne M. Griffiths -- Celiac disease / J. Joseph Connon -- Nutrition in pancreatic disorders / Massimo Raimondo and James S. Scolapio -- Nutrition in liver disorders and the role of alcohol / Charles S. Lieber -- Molecular basis of carcinogenesis / Dana Rathkopf and Gary K. Schwartz -- Diet and cancer risk / Walter C. Willett and Edward Giovannucci -- Chemoprevention of cancer / Michael B. Sporn -- Nutrition support of the patient with cancer / Mark Schattner and Moshe Shike -- Bone biology in health and disease / Robert P. Heaney -- Nutrition and diet in rheumatic diseases / Sarah L. Morgan -- Osteoporosis / Bess Dawson-Hughes -- Behavorial disorders affecting food intake: eating disorders and other psychiatric conditions / Janelle W. Coughlin and Angela S. Guarda -- Nutritional disorders of the nervous system / Gustavo C. Româan -- The hypercatabolic state / Stephen F. Lowry and J. Martin Perez -- Nutrition and infection / Richard D. Semba -- Nutrition in the care of the patient with surgery, trauma, and sepsis / Kenneth A. Kudsk and Gordon S. Sacks --

Nutrition, diet, and the kidney / Joel D. Kopple -- Food allergies and intolerances / Steve L. Taylor and Susan L. Hefle -- Nutrition in the older person / John E. Morley -- Drug-nutrient interactions / Lingtak-Neander Chan -- Enteral feeding / Moshe Shike -- Parenteral feeding / Rex O. Brown and Gayle Minard -- Chronic disease management: the team approach / Maurice E. Shils, Abby S. Bloch, and Patricia Brown -- Nutritional and medical ethics: the interplay of medical decisions, patients' rights, and the judicial system / Maurice E. Shils -- Foundations of a healthy diet / Walter C. Willett and Meir J. Stampfer -- Nutritional implications of vegetarian diets / Patricia K. Johnston and Joan Sabatâe -- Dietary recommended intakes: rationale and application / Allison A. Yates -- Dietary goals and guidelines: national perspectives / Johanna T. Dwyer -- Nutrition monitoring in the United States / Marie Fanelli Kuczmarski and Robert J. Kuczmarski -- Food-based dietary guidelines for healthier populations: international considerations / Ricardo Uauy, Eva Hertrampf, and Alan D. Dangour -- Nutrition transition: global trends in diet and disease / Benjamin Caballero -- Sports nutrition / Melvin H. Williams -- Social and cultural influences on food consumption and nutritional status / Sara A. Quandt -- Fads, frauds, and quackery / Stephen Barrett -- Alternative nutrition therapies / Stephen Barrett -- Food processing: nutrition, safety, and quality / John W. Finley, Denise M. Deming, and Robert E. Smith -- Designing functional foods / Wayne R. Bidlack and Wei Wang -- Food additives, contaminants, and natural toxicants and their risk assessments / Steve L. Taylor -- Nutrition labeling of foods and dietary supplements / Kenneth D. Fisher, Elizabeth A. Yetley, and Christine L. Taylor --

Nutritional aspects of hematologic diseases / Christopher R. Chitambar and Aok C. Antony -- Nutrition, respiratory function, and disease / Bruce Suckling, Margaret M. Johnson, and Robert Chin, Jr.


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