Lemmata Linguistica Latina. Volume II, Clause and Discourse
Lemmata Linguistica Latina. Volume II, Clause and Discourse
Breunesse, Merlijn, contributor.
Physical Description:
1 online resource (XI, 484 p.)
Lemmata Linguistica Latina ; Volume II
Frontmatter -- Preface -- Contents -- Clause -- Constructions -- Linguistic theory in daily lexicographical practice: dealing with arguments and satellites in the entries of regnare and nectere in the Thesaurus Linguae Latinae -- The expression of knowledge in Latin: cognosco, nosco, scio, nescio and ignoro -- Los verbos latinos timeo y metuo: sintaxis, semántica y pragmática -- Potest + passive infinitives: auxiliary or impersonal verb? -- Ruinam dare : les complexités d'une construction latine à verbe support -- On the use of the ablative of the gerund and the nominative of the present participle in Latin technical literature -- Praedicativum and subject complement: a question revisited in light of the Latin verb sto -- Der lateinische Dativ: neue Wege in Transitivität und funktionaler Semantik -- Between syntax and magic: some peculiarities of nominal syntax in Latin curse tablets -- Les complétives en quoniam : étude à partir du latin biblique -- Semantics -- Animacy in Latin: explaining some peripheral phenomena -- Gallia est omnis divisa in partes tres: Sapir's typology and different perspectives on totality -- General extenders in Latin -- Les parcours sémantiques vers l'adversatif : une approche typologique des langues anciennes -- The diffraction of iam: contextual effects in interpretation -- Le système latin de la déixis et de l'endophore : l'évolution linguistique chez Sénèque -- Discourse -- Tense and discourse -- On the expression of relative time in Latin narrations -- Progression thématique et types de séquences chez quelques historiens romains -- Engaging the audience: an intersubjectivity approach to the historic present tense in Latin -- 'I hereby present the use of the Latin first-person perfect indicative as a performative' -- Politeness and identity -- Expressing happiness as a manifestation of positive politeness in Roman comedy -- Impoliteness in Plautus' comedies -- How to assess politeness in response to impoliteness: some examples from Latin comedy -- Cicero vs. Mark Antony: identity construction and ingroup/outgroup formation in Philippics One and Three -- Ego sum Amphitruo: Selbstidentifikation in der römischen Komödie -- Index
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