Grammar in Progress : GLOW Essays for Henk van Riemsdijk
Abraham, Werner, contributor.
Reprint 2010
Physical Description:
1 online resource (461 p.)
Studies in Generative Grammar [SGG] , 36
I-XII -- A note on the aspect-syntax interface -- What Bavarian Negative Concord Reveals about the Syntactic Structure of German -- On the morphosyntactic nature of the sequence "Aux+Past Participle" in Italian -- TI: A note on modal passives -- The syntax of nominatives in SOV Germanic -- On the COMP of Relatives -- Verbal chain and verbal cluster: a discussion between linguist A and linguist B -- Subject/object asymmetries in German null-topic constructions and the status of specCP -- On a difference between English and Italian 'Complement Object Deletion' contructions -- A Note on Bars and Barriers -- Auxiliaries and sentence structure in Romanian -- Onset clusters in Greek -- NP-movement 'across' secondary objects -- Floating Quantifiers in Germanic -- Generative grammar in Italy -- Particles, Prepositions, and Verbs -- Non-overt subjects in diary contexts -- Datives in German "ECM"-constructions -- A principle of global binding -- On the Fate of Stray Syllables -- Agreement and variables -- Assumptions about asymmetric coordination in German -- On bare infinitivals in Swedish -- The segmental spine and the non-existence of [±ATR] -- What ever happened to dialect B? -- Why noun-complement clauses are barriers -- Some thoughts on the cycle -- Remarks on headless partitives and case in Turkish -- Pork without pigs -- Old heads and new heads -- A new formalization for locality theory -- On empty theta-marked subjects in Romance and Germanic languages -- Readjustment rules in Somali plural formation -- Reflexives and beyond: non-local anaphora in Italian revisited -- The semantic nature of some Romance prepositions -- Speculations on Verb Second -- Some notes on VP-fronting and head government -- Züritüütsch umlaut and the non-existence of the feature [tense] -- Across-the-board binding meets verb second -- D-projections and N-projections in Norwegian -- COMP° as a licensing head: an argument based on cliticization -- The clitic group in prosodic phonology -- Are they parasitic gaps?
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