An Anthology of Bilingual Child Phonology
Alkhudidi, Anwar, contributor.
Physical Description:
1 online resource (344 p.)
Second Language Acquisition
Frontmatter -- Contents -- Acknowledgements -- Contributors -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Investigating the Linguistic World of the Bilingual Child: Transfer and Code-switching -- 3. Seeking Crosslinguistic Interaction in French Bilingual Phonological Development -- 4. Case Studies of Phonological Development in Six Preschool-aged Russian-Finnish Bilingual Children -- 5. Enhanced Phonology in a Child's Weaker Language in Bilingualism: A Portrait -- 6. Sensitivity to Morphophonological Cues in Monolingual and Bilingual Children: Evidence from a Nonword Task -- 7. Lexical-semantic Organization in Monolingual and Bilingual Hebrew Speaking Children: Evidence from a Word Association Task -- 8. The Production of Marked Arabic Consonants by Arabic-English Bilingual Children Living in Canada -- 9. On Heritage Accents: Insights from Voice Onset Time Production by Trilingual Heritage Speakers of Spanish -- 10. Linguistic Outcomes and the Role of Phonology in Typically Developing and Late Talking Toddlers -- 11. Stylistic Patterns in the Speech of Young Children and their Caregivers: A Study of Variable /s/ Lenition in Dominican Spanish -- 12. Identification of Protracted Phonological Development across Languages: The Whole Word Match and Basic Mismatch Measures -- 13. Phonological Processing and Nonword Repetition: A Critical Tool for the Identification of Dyslexia in Bilingualism -- Index
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