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Opportunities and Challenges of Bilingualism
Coulmas, Florian, contributor.
Reprint 2011
Physical Description:
1 online resource (346 p.)
Contributions to the Sociology of Language [CSL] , 87
I-IV -- Acknowledgements -- Contents -- Contributors -- Introduction: Opportunities and challenges of bilingualism -- I. Theoretical frameworks -- "Holy languages" in the context of societal bilingualism -- Forlorn hope? -- When languages disappear, are bilingual education or human rights a cure? Two scenarios -- Core values and nation-states -- II. Bilingualism worldwide -- French language policy: centrism, Orwellian dirigisme, or economic determinism? -- The non-linearity of language maintenance and language shift: survey data from European language boundaries -- Language shift among Siberian Estonians: pro and contra -- On attitudes towards Croatian dialects and on their changing status -- Ethnolects-between bilingualism and urban dialect -- The development of Navajo-English bilingualism -- Language ideology, ownership and maintenance: the discourse of the Academia Mayor de la Lengua Quechua -- Xhosa as a "home appliance"? A case study of language shift in Grahamstown -- Japan's nascent multilingualism -- III. Multilingual management and education -- Managing multilingualism in Singapore -- Managing languages at bilingual universities: relationships between universities and their language environment -- Using descriptive inquiry to transform the education of linguistically diverse US teachers and students -- Coda -- Changing paradigms in the study of bilingualism -- Index
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