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Cover image for Pragmatics of Space
Pragmatics of Space
Auer, Peter, contributor.
Physical Description:
1 online resource (XIII, 747 p.)
Handbooks of Pragmatics [HOPS] ; 14
Frontmatter -- Preface to the handbook series -- Preface -- Table of Contents -- 1. Doing space: The pragmatics of language and space -- I. Describing space through language -- 2. Deictic reference in space -- 3. The conceptualization of space in signed languages: Placing the signer in narratives -- 4. Spatiality in written texts -- 5. Interactional onomastics: Place names as malleable resources -- 6. Describing motion events -- 7. Discourses of place: The formation of space and place through discourse -- 8. Imaginary spaces in storytelling -- 9. Developmental perspectives on doing talk about space -- II. Spatial organization of social interaction -- 10. Encounters in public places: The establishment of interactional space in face-to-face openings -- 11. Interactional spaces in stationary, mobile, video-mediated and virtual encounters -- 12. The pragmatics of gesture and space -- 13. Distance and closeness: The im/politeness of space in communication -- III. Communicative resources of constructed spaces -- 14. Architecture-for-interaction: Built, designed and furnished space for communicative purposes -- 15. Building, dwelling, and interacting: Steps in the evolution of public space from Paleolithic to present -- 16. The pragmatics of linguistic landscapes -- 17. The pragmatics of written texts in space -- 18. Co-presence and beyond: Spatial configurations of communication in virtual environments -- IV. Pragmatics across space and cultures -- 19. Pragmatic variation across geographical and social space -- 20. Pragmatic variation across national varieties of pluricentric languages -- 21. Mapping perceptions and knowledge of language: Societal multilingualism and its sociopragmatic grounding -- Bionotes -- Author index -- Subject index


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E-Book 533873-1001 ONLINE
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