Linguistic Variation: Structure and Interpretation
Adger, David, contributor.
Physical Description:
1 online resource (IX, 724 p.)
Studies in Generative Grammar [SGG] , 132
Frontmatter -- Contents -- Introduction -- A labelling solution to a curious EPP effect -- The question of overgeneration in Element Theory -- Linguistic and pragmatic procedures in the political discourse -- Why doubling discourse particles? -- (Reflexive) Si as a route to passive in Italian -- Irregular verbal morphology and locality -- Multiple agreement in Southern Italian dialects -- Relabeling participial constructions -- Puzzles about phases -- On the double-headed analysis of "Headless" relative clauses -- Bantu class prefixes: Towards a cross-categorial account -- Differential object marking and the structure of transitive clauses -- Countability and the /s/ morpheme in English -- (Im)proper prepositions in (Old and Modern) Italian -- Not even a crumb of negation: on mica in Old Italian -- From brain noise to syntactic structures: A formal proposal within the oscillatory rhythms perspective -- When seem wants to control -- Some thoughts on one and two and other numerals -- Stress shift under cliticization in the Sardinian transitional area -- The causative construction in the dialects of southern Italy and the phonologysyntax interface -- Lexical parametrization and early subjects in L1 Italian -- Inflected infinitives in Portuguese -- Some notes on the Sardinian complementizer systems -- Structural source of person split -- The non-existence of sub-lexical scope -- An emergentist view on functional classes -- The (information) structure of existentials -- Che and weak islands -- Complement clauses: Case and argumenthood -- The internal structure of Nguni nominal class prefixes -- Expletives, locatives, and subject doubling -- Arbitrary control instead of obligatory control in temporal adjuncts in Child Grammar: An ATTRACT analysis -- Language Index -- Subject Index
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