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Cover image for Acquisition and Variation in World Englishes : Bridging Paradigms and Rethinking Approaches
Acquisition and Variation in World Englishes : Bridging Paradigms and Rethinking Approaches
Brato, Thorsten, contributor.
Physical Description:
1 online resource (VII, 382 p.)
Studies on Language Acquisition [SOLA] , 69
Frontmatter -- Contents -- 1 The current role of children and adolescents in World Englishes research -- Part I: Language in the family -- 2 Language among Trinidadian-heritage children raised in diaspora -- 3 Language use patterns and strategies for children's English language development: Insights from Chinese descendant mothers in multilingual Malaysia -- 4 Family language policies in Thailand: Multiliteracy practices and Global Englishes -- 5 Parental language ideologies and children's language use in Singapore - raising speakers of "Standard" English? -- Part II: Language acquisition and language learning in multilingual contexts -- 6 Syntactic and lexical complexity in CLIL and EFL written production: Evidence for ELF as a WEs paradigm in Turkey -- 7 Investigating child language acquisition from a joint perspective: A comparison of traditional and new L1 speakers of English -- 8 Speech rhythm in Cameroon English: A cross-generational study -- 9 From second to first language: Language shift in Singapore and Ireland -- Part III: Attitudes and identity -- 10 Children's language attitudes in a World Englishes community: A focus on St. Kitts -- 11 Youth identity as linguistic identity: Political engagement and language acquisition and use in Hong Kong -- 12 Varieties of English and Third Culture Kids in Hong Kong -- 13 Variation and change in the NURSE vowel in Trinidadian English: An apparent-time analysis of adolescent and adult speakers -- 14 How linguistically tolerant or insecure are school-aged children? A matched-guise, gamified approach for 6- to 12-year-olds in Canada -- 15 Caught between languages and cultures: Exploring linguistic and cultural identity among Maldivian adolescents -- Part IV: Summary and discussion -- 16 Conclusion and envoi: Language acquisition at the intersection of sociolinguistics and World Englishes research -- Index


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E-Book 534389-1001 ONLINE
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