Cover image for Handbook of Japanese Psycholinguistics
Handbook of Japanese Psycholinguistics
Chang, Franklin, contributor.
Physical Description:
1 online resource (635 p.)
Handbooks of Japanese Language and Linguistics [HJLL] , 9
Frontmatter -- Preface -- Introduction to the Handbooks of Japanese Language and Linguistics -- In Memory of Tsutomu Sakamoto [1954-2014] -- Acknowledgments -- Table of contents -- Contributors -- List of abbreviations -- Japanese psycholinguistics and this volume -- I. Japanese Language Acquisition -- 1. Learning to become a native listener of Japanese -- 2. The nature of the count/mass distinction in Japanese -- 3. Grammatical deficits in Japanese children with specific language impairment -- 4. Root infinitive analogues in Child Japanese -- 5. Acquisition of scope -- 6. Narrative development in L1 Japanese -- 7. L2 acquisition of Japanese -- 8. The modularity of grammar in L2 acquisition -- 9. Tense and aspect in Japanese as a second language -- 10. Language acquisition and brain development: Cortical processing of a foreign language -- II. Japanese Language Processing -- 11. Resolution of branching ambiguity and the role of prosody -- 12. The role of learning in theories of English and Japanese sentence processing -- 13. Experimental syntax: Word order in sentence processing -- 14. Relative clause processing in Japanese: Psycholinguistic investigation into typological differences -- 15. Processing of syntactic and semantic information in the human brain: Evidence from ERP studies in Japanese -- 16. Issues in L2 Japanese sentence processing: Similarities/differences with L1 and individual differences in working memory -- 17. Sentence production models to consider for L2 Japanese sentence production research -- 18. Processing of the Japanese language by native Chinese speakers -- Subject index


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