Dialogue Analysis 2000 : Selected Papers from the 10th IADA Anniversary Conference, Bologna 2000
Aijmer, Karin, contributor.
Reprint 2011
Physical Description:
1 online resource (404 p.)
Beiträge zur Dialogforschung , 25
Frontmatter -- Table of Contents -- Preface -- Part One Bologna 2000 Round Table -- Introductory Remarks -- A Retrospect and a Prospect of Dialogue Studies -- Dialogue Analysis 2000: Towards a Human Linguistics -- A Process and Structure Conception of Dialogue -- Strategies of Understanding in Dialogue -- Chaotic Dialogues. Can Ideas Formulated in Complexity Theories be Applied to Dialogue Analysis? -- Discourse Particles in Contrast -- Can We Have a Conversation with a Computer? -- What Did They Actually Say? A Forensic Linguist's Evaluation of Police Evidence -- Media Dialogue as a Genre of Public Oral Discourse -- Part II. Papers -- Misunderstanding in IRC (Internet Relay Chat) -- Trialogo sui dialoghi -- Dialogues de groupe: Balzac, Zola -- Il disputator cortese e il disputator polemico -- Metadiscursive Triads -- Argumentation et "mise en voix". Les discours quotidiens sur l'immigration -- Interacting with a Frontal Lobe Patient: What about Pragmatics? -- Dialogical Structures in 17th Century Controversies -- Les stratégies de changement de footing dans le témoignage commun au tribunal: une resource pour la construction de crédibilité -- Medium Management for Beginners. The Discursive Practices of Undergraduate Novice Users of Internet Relay Chat, Compared with Those of Young Children Using the Telephone -- Elicitation Utterances in Written Dialogues -- Activités de description et pratiques de cadrage dans l'interaction médicale par téléphone -- Parenthetically Speaking: Parliamentary Parentheticals as Rhetorical Strategies -- Politeness Strategies in Oral Dialogues -- Accords et désaccords: une dialectique communicative -- Argumentation in Czech Political Debates -- Opting Out of the Media-Politics Contract. Discourse Practices in Confrontational Television Interviews -- Ein Sonderfall des sozialen Dialogs: der interethnische Dialog -- Exclamatives, interrogatives-exclamatives et le jeu de la negation -- La politesse dans les forums de discussion sur l'Internet. Règles externes, manifestations discursives et commentaires métacommunicatifs -- Actes vs opérations. Vers de nouveaux outils dans l'analyse du dialogue -- Eléments pour une analyse de la connivence dans le dialogue -- Yes (and No) in Ancient Literary Greek -- Dialogue entre cultures différentes: le rôle de l'éthos collectif -- Information Transport through Dialogue. A System for Reducing Fuzziness due to Culture and Context Shifts -- News Interviews on Israeli Television: Normative Expectations and Discourse Norms -- Treaties: A Comparative Analysis of a Complex Dialogic Action Game
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