Cover image for Organizing Grammar : Linguistic Studies in Honor of Henk van Riemsdijk
Organizing Grammar : Linguistic Studies in Honor of Henk van Riemsdijk
Abraham, Werner, contributor.
Physical Description:
1 online resource (716 p.) : Illustrations
Studies in Generative Grammar [SGG] , 86
i-vi -- Table of Contents -- List of contributors -- Hi Morris, this is Henk! -- An intersubjective note on the notion of 'subjectification' -- A note on non-canonical passives: the case of the get-passive -- Displaced and misplaced genitives -- Preposition stranding and locative adverbs in German -- Moving verbal complexes in Spanish -- Unbearably light verbs versus finite auxiliary drop -- Extraction from subjects: some remarks on Chomsky's On phases -- A Chinese relative -- Approximative of zo as a diagnostic tool -- A note on interpretable features and idiosyncratic categorial selection -- Transparent, free... and polarised: the (poli)tics of polarity in transparent free relatives -- The inverse agreement constraint in Hungarian: a relic of a Uralic-Siberian Sprachbund? -- Syntactic conditions on phonetically empty morphemes -- Long-distance reciprocals -- The notion of topic and the problem of quantification in Hungarian -- Questions of complexity -- Functional heads, lexical heads and hybrid categories -- Concatenation and interpretation -- As time goes by: a digressive discourse -- There's that: unifying existential and list readings -- Extended projections - extended analogues: a note on Hungarian PPs -- Against the sonority scale: evidence from Frankish tones -- Classifiers, agreement and honorifics in Japanese -- What stranded adjectives reveal about Split-NP Topicalization -- Past tense interpretations in Dutch -- Why phonology is the same -- Recursively linked Case-Agreement: from accidents to principles and beyond -- Enfoldment as Economy -- "GP, I'll have to put your flat feet on the ground" -- On parameters and on principles of pronunciation -- What to do with those fools of a crew? -- Why indefinite pronouns are different -- Seeing the forest despite the tree -- When to pied-pipe and when to strand in San Dionicio Octotepec Zapotec -- Free relatives as light-headed relatives in Turkish -- Is linguistics a natural science? -- Two asymmetries between Clitic Left and Clitic Right Dislocation in Bulgarian -- On dative subjects in Russian -- On the nature of case in Basque: structural or inherent? -- Examining the scope of Principles-and-Parameters Theory -- Clitics and adjacency in Greek PPs -- A minimalist program for parametric linguistics? -- A syntactic approach to negated focus questions in Bulgarian -- The case of midpositions -- Quechua P-soup -- Semantic compositionality of the way-construction -- Soft mutation at the interface -- Abracadabra, the relation between stress and rhythm -- What do we learn when we acquire a language? -- A prosodic contrast between Northern and Southern Dutch: a result of a Flemish-French sprachbund -- The object of verbs like help and an apparent violation of UTAH -- A note on relative pronouns in Standard German -- Agreeing to bind -- Positive polarity and evaluation -- Phase theory and the privilege of the root -- On the role of parameters in Universal Grammar: a reply to Newmeyer -- Welsh VP-ellipsis and the representation of aspect -- A new perspective on event participants in psychological states and events -- A glimpse of doubly-filled COMPS in Swiss German -- Missing prepositions in Dutch free relatives -- Final sonorant devoicing in early Yokuts field-records -- Cyclic NP structure and trace interpretation -- Appositive and parenthetical relative clauses -- Overt infinitival subjects (if that's what they are) -- Wanna and the prepositional complementizers of English -- A note on asymmetric coordination and subject gaps -- The representation of focus and its implications: towards an alternative account of some 'intervention effects' -- Circumstantial evidence for Dative Shift -- Why should diminutives count? -- Adjacency, PF, and extraposition -- A note on functional adpositions -- Bibliography of Henk C. van Riemsdijk -- Index
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