Cover image for Productivity and Creativity : Studies in General and Descriptive Linguistics in Honor of E. M. Uhlenbeck
Productivity and Creativity : Studies in General and Descriptive Linguistics in Honor of E. M. Uhlenbeck
Adelaar, Willem F. Η., contributor.
Reprint 2011
Physical Description:
1 online resource (632 p.)
Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs [TiLSM] , 116
I-IV -- Preface -- Ε. Μ. Uhlenbeck: a personal appreciation -- Contents -- Section 1 General linguistics -- The catalytic function of markedness -- The sign gravitates to the word -- The language of thought revisited -- Foreign- and second-language learning and teaching: Will the twain ever meet? -- Answers to questions put to an FSP theorist by Professor Ε. M. Uhlenbeck -- Some puzzles that arise from the assumption that to learn a language is to construct a grammar -- The ordering of valency slots from a communicative point of view -- On the obvious ability of people to speak -- Should we believe in UG? -- Epistemology and linguistics: Anatomy of an approach -- Why it is so important to care about language in early stages of education -- Against the establishment: Sidelines on Henry Sweet -- On divergent perspectives and controversial issues in studies of language and mind -- Is language a virus? Reflections on the use of biological metaphors in the study of language -- Morphology and meaning: From Bopp to Bob, before and after -- On complementarity -- Word, sentence, and discourse -- The morpheme in Bloomfield's Language -- La linguistique entre psychologie et sociologie -- Section 2 Javanese and Indonesian -- A royal birthday in nineteenth century Java -- Between brackets: On "vocabulary building" in Batavia ca. 1930 -- The verbal auxiliary padha in contemporary Javanese -- Communicative salience in Old Javanese -- A note on relative markers in Javanese -- Adversative-passive verbs in standard Javanese -- An Old Javanese poem on chronogram words -- Adaptation of loan-words ending in -is/-ik in Indonesian -- Section 3 Pacific and Amerindian languages -- The name of the sweet potato: A case of pre-conquest contact between South America and the Pacific -- Reduplication in Southeast Asian languages: Differences in word structures -- Switch reference in Haruai: Grammar and discourse -- The morphological status of partial reduplication: Evidence from Lushootseed and Lillooetvan -- On the Japanese particle ο -- Proto-Austro-Tai *pl, pr: Eggs Benedict or "Benedict's Egg"? -- Language endangerment and death in the central and southwestern Pacific, with notes on the western -- Section 4 Indo-European and Afro-Asiatic languages -- "Creatures great and small": Some cross-linguistic parallels -- Vowel reduction, tone and nominal declension in D'irayta -- Grammaticalization and typological change: The clitic cline in Inner Asia Minor Greek -- Zum Genitivattribut im Deutschen -- Vocative case and pronoun in Ancient Greek and Latin -- La construction de ἄρχεσθαι 'commencer' avec l'infinitif aoriste dans les Septante: Un solécisme dans le grec judaïque d'Alexandrie -- The dialect of Volendam-fifty years after van Ginneken: Preliminary data -- Cases of cross-over between finite verb forms and nouns in Armenian


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