Soil Dynamics, Earthquake and Computational Geotechnical Engineering Proceedings of the Indian Geotechnical Conference 2021 Volume 5
Muthukkumaran, Kasinathan. editor.
1st ed. 2023.
Physical Description:
XIV, 586 p. 359 illus., 273 illus. in color. online resource.
Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 300
Chapter 1. Evaluation of Compactive Parameters of Soil using Machine Learning -- Chapter 2. Numerical Study of Tapered Pile Subjected to Cyclic Loading -- Chapter 3. Seepage Analysis of Resilient Rubble Mound Breakwater Under Tsunami Overflow: Numerical Analysis -- Chapter 4. Analytical and Numerical Modelling of Combined Pile-Raft Foundation for Tall Wind Turbine in Various Soils -- Chapter 5. Prediction of Strength Parameters of Fiber Reinforced Soil Using Machine Learning Algorithms -- Chapter 6. Hydraulic Conductivity of Fly Ash - Bentonite Mixture Exposed To Salt Solutions: Ann Model And Sensitivity Analysis -- Chapter 7. Influence of Inclined Loads on the Behavior of Piles - A Numerical Study -- Chapter 8. 3D Numerical Analysis of Screw Pile Subjected to Axial Compressive and Lateral Load -- Chapter 9. Finite Element Modelling of Laboratory One Dimensional Consolidation of Soft Clays -- Chapter 10. Numerical Study on Uplift Capacity Of Helical Pile Embedded In Homogeneous And Layered Soil -- Chapter 11. Simplified Plane Strain Consolidation Modeling of Stone Column -- Chapter 12. Lateral Displacements of Soft Ground Treated with PVD's under Embankment Loading -- Chapter 13. Sensitivity Study of the Pressure-dependent Soil Model Based on the Abutment-Backfill Pushover Behaviour -- Chapter 14. Behavior of Skirted Foundation under Different Loading Conditions using FEM Approach -- Chapter 15. Numerical Modelling for Prediction of Ground Subsidence over Room and Pillar Mining in an Underground Coal Seam. etc.
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