Manual of Romance Languages in the Media
Bedijs, Kristina, editor.
Physical Description:
1 online resource (IX, 535 p.)
Manuals of Romance Linguistics ; 23
Frontmatter -- Manuals of Romance Linguistics -- Table of Contents -- 0. Preface -- 1. Media Linguistics: Interfaces to Media and Communication Studies -- 2. Text Linguistic Approaches I: Analysis of Media Texts -- 3. Text Linguistic Approaches II: Textuality of Online Media -- 4. Television Text Types -- 5. Online Text Types -- 6. Aspects of Advertising Language Online -- 7. Orality and Literacy in Cinema and Television -- 8. Orality and Literacy of Telephony and SMS -- 9. Orality and Literacy of Online Communication -- 10. Critical Discourse Analysis and New Media -- 11. Analyzing Multicodal Media Texts -- 12. Language in the Media: The Process Perspective -- 13. Tertiary Media Corpora of the Romance Languages -- 14. The Role of Small Languages in the Media I: Presence of Romanian in Medial Communication -- 15. The Role of Small Languages in the Media II: Presence of Picard in Medial Communication -- 16. Audiovisual Latino Media in the US: The Emergence of Bilingual Media Text Genres in the Interface between Language Contact, Language Policy and Translation -- 17. Language Change through Medial Communication -- 18. Broadcast Advertising - Issues of Linguistic Research (with Special Regard to Italy and France) -- 19. Minority Languages in Media Communication -- 20. Audiovisual Translation -- 21. Crowdsourcing Translation -- 22. Software Localization into Romance Languages -- Index