Writings of Early Scholars in the Ancient Near East, Egypt, Rome, and Greece : Translating Ancient Scientific Texts
Althoff, Jochen, contributor.
Physical Description:
1 online resource (436 p.)
Beiträge zur Altertumskunde , 286
Frontmatter -- Table of contents -- Introduction: Translating ancient scientific texts -- Section I: Language as a feature of a scientific discipline -- Gegenstand und Methode: Sprachliche Erkenntnistechniken in der keilschriftlichen Überlieferung Mesopotamiens -- Das Verhältnis von medizinischer Prognose zur religiösen Divinatorik/Mantik in Griechenland -- Präzision in der Prognose oder: Divination als Wissenschaft -- Zur Rolle des Fachwortschatzes in der Naturalis historia des Älteren Plinius -- Section II: Translations of ancient scholars -- Translating the Phainomenaacross genre, language and culture -- Translating the Fundamentals of the Course of the Stars -- Section III: Problems of translating ancient medical texts and possible solutions -- Von Impotenz und Migräne - eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit Übersetzungen des Papyrus Ebers -- Rechts oder links - wörtlich oder dem Sinn nach? -- The lamp and the mirror, or: Some comments on the ancient understanding of Mesopotamian medical manuscripts -- Zur Neuedition des hieratisch-demotischen Papyrus Wien D 6257 aus römischer Zeit -- A recipe for a headache: Translating and interpreting ancient Greek and Roman remedies -- Section IV: Problems and methods in translating astronomical-astrological texts -- Ancient Egyptian star tables: A reinterpretation of their fundamental structure -- Methods for understanding and reconstructing Babylonian predicting rules -- Problems in translating ancient Greek astrological texts -- Section V: Ways to express ancient mathematical concepts in modern language -- From the cave into reality: Mathematics and cultures -- Translating rational-practice texts -- How to transfer the conceptual structure of Old Babylonian mathematics: Solutions and inherent problems. With an Italian parallel -- Backmatter
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