Cover image for Food Processing: Strategies for Quality Assessment
Food Processing: Strategies for Quality Assessment
Malik, Abdul. editor.
1st ed. 2014.
Physical Description:
XI, 510 p. 35 illus., 15 illus. in color. online resource.
Food Engineering Series,
Food Processing: Strategies for quality assessment, A broad perspective Abdul Malik, Farhana Masood and Saghir Ahmad -- Fruit Processing Ömer Utku ÇOPUR and Canan Ece TAMER -- Citrus Juices Technology Asiye AKYILDIZ and Erdal AĞÇAM -- Nutritional Quality Assessment in Dairy Products - A Perspective -- A. Adnan Hayaloglu and Mehmet Güven -- Meat products and by-products for value addition -- Saghir Ahmad and Abdul Ghafour Badpa -- Surface Decontamination Treatments for improving the safety of meat and poultry Hakan Benli -- Food quality and safety Saghir Ahmad -- Foodborne Microbial Diseases and Control: Foodborne Infections and Intoxications Sait Aykut Aytac and Birce Mercanoglu Taban -- Microbial Metabolites as Biological Control Agents in Food Safety -- Zerrin Erginkaya, Emel Ünal and Selin Kalkan -- Use of antimicrobial edible films and coatings as packaging materials for food safety -- Zerrin Erginkaya, Selin Kalkan and Emel Ünal -- Recent Approaches in Risk Assessment of Foods Farhana Masood, Samira Umme Aiman, Sana Khan, Showkat Ahmad Lone and Abdul Malik -- Microbiological Quality Systems and Microbial Risk Analysis Birce Mercanoglu Taban and Sait Aykut -- AytacValue addition and preservation by fermentation technology Saghir Ahmad -- Importance of yeasts and lactic acid bacteria in food processing Hüseyin Erten, Bilal Ağırman, Cennet Pelin Boyacı Gündüz, Erdem Çarşanba, Selvihan Sert, Sezgi Bircan and Hasan Tangüler -- Application of membrane technology in food processing Saghir Ahmad and Sk. Musheer Ahmad -- Technology for value addition and preservation of horticultural produce Ram Kishor Gupta -- Post Harvest Management and Value Addition of Horticultural Crops Prabhat Kumar Srivastava and Saghir Ahmad -- Development of Value Added Products from Food Wastes Canan Ece TAMER and Ömer Utku ÇOPUR -- Nanotechnology in Food and Agriculture Industry Emir Ayşe Özer, Melike Özcan and MustafaDidin.                                                                                                                                                   .
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