Social computing and virtual communities
Zaphiris, Panayiotis.
Publication Information:
Boca Raton : Taylor & Francis, 2010.
Physical Description:
303 p.
Theoretical foundations of social computing and virtual communities / Charalambos Vrasidas and George Veletsianos -- An overview of social networks / Gindo Tampubolon -- You methods 2.0 : doing research using virtual communities / Paul Cairns, Mark Blythe -- E-learning communities / Andrew Laghos -- Technology-enhanced health communities : research on the use of social computing application by both the sick and the well / Laura Slaughter, Aksel Tjora, Anne-Grete Sandaunet -- Online support communities / Ulrike Pfeil -- Online content sharing / Masahiro Hamasaki ... [et al.] -- Familiar strangers : trust and social navigation in a community that functions online and offline / Paula Bialski and Dominik Batorski -- Immersion, learning and Second Life / Diane Carr and Marin Oliver -- Residency, relationships and responsibility : the social side of World of Warcraft / David White -- Internet community as a "utopia" : beliefs, norms and resistance among older Chinese / Bo Xie -- Social network sites : an explortation of features and diversity / Mike Thelwall and David Stuart.