Fat Transfer in Plastic Surgery Techniques, Technology and Safety
Di Giuseppe, Alberto. editor.
1st ed. 2023.
Physical Description:
XIII, 598 p. 539 illus., 535 illus. in color. online resource.
Foreword -- Preface -- Part I General Concepts -- 1 Safety in Body Countouring (Nahai F. USA) -- 2 Fat buttocks augmentation: a scientific validation (Nahai F., USA) -- 3 Combined fat grafting surgery in post bariatric patients: safety profile (F. Bassetto, IT) -- 4 Fat transfer during a pandemic: COVID-19 time (F. Bassetto, IT) -- 5 Fat Grafting as an ancillary treatment for burns, other complex wounds and their sequelae. (N. Sarto Piccolo, BR) -- 6 Large volume breast fat transfer: safety aspect (G. Zocchi, L. Pandis IT) -- 7 Efficacy and safety of cell enriched fat grafting in the breast(V. Cervelli IT) -- 8 Fat enrichment with growth factors - controversy or potential?(A. Ghanem, UK) -- 9 Volumetric and regenerative components of fat graft: positioning in the fat-nano-fat spectrum.(R. Llull, ES) -- Part II : Technologies -- 10 Evidence based harvesting techniques for improving fat graft survival (T. Malan, USA) -- 11 SEL tm: Combining Chemical ACS & mechanical Lipocube for supercharged fat graft.(A. Sterodimas, GR) -- 12 The legacy of micro-autologous fat transplantation (MAFT) -- A reality from evidence-based medicine. (T. Ming Lin TW) -- 13 Laser Lipolysis, survival rate of the harvested fat. (Levemberg, IL) -- 14 Medical Devices for fat grafting transfer: a comparative analysis (G. Magalon FR) -- Part III : Surgery.-15 Fat gluteal augmentation: an update (Dan del Vecchio USA) -- 16 Buttocks additive shaping: new trends (C. Mendieta USA) -- 17 Buttock reshaping. Principles and technique using Vaser device and fat grafting. (A. Di Giuseppe IT) -- 18 Body fat grafting contouring in male patient. (A. Di Giuseppe, IT) -- 19 Body fat grafting contouring in female patients.(A. Di Giuseppe IT) -- 20 Tridimensional thigh contouring the role of fat grafting.(A. Di Giuseppe, IT) -- 21 Breast augmentation with fat. Patient selection and guidelines.(A. Di Giuseppe, IT) -- 22 Total breast reconstruction with "deflating technique". (F. Bassetto, IT) -- 23 Total Breast augmentation for an harmonious reshaping. (G. Zocchi, IT) -- 24 Breast fat augmentation: step-by-step technique and ultrasound contouring of donor area.(A. Di Giuseppe, IT) -- 25 Total breast reconstruction by lipografting. (P. Berrino, IT) -- 26 Breast reconstruction with fat using Laser Lipolysis harvest fat. (Heller Lior, Asafe Harofe Hospital (IL) -- 27 Hybrid fat transfer, breast implants and fat. (P. Parodi (IT) -- 28 Postbariatric breast reshaping and fat grafting.(F. Bassetto, V. Vindigni. Padova, IT) -- 29 Brachioplasty in overweight patients.(F. Bassetto (IT) -- 30 Lower eyelid blepharoplasty and midface: liposculture and biorevitalization. (D. De Fazio (IT) -- 31 Lichen sclerosus treatment with fat transfer for the genital area. (M. Brambilla IT) -- 32 Female genital mutilation: a surgical approach to reshaping.(S. De Fazio IT) -- 33 Lower eyelid blepharoplasty through nano-grafts. (Mario Pelle Ceravolo IT) -- 34 Head and neck reconstruction with autologous fat. (R. Cipriani; Bologna IT) -- 35 Reverse expansion technique for breast reconstruction after skin sparing and nipple sparing mastectomy. (Fabiocchi, Cipriani; Bologna (IT) -- 36 Simultaneous body liposuction and breast remodeling by fat. (Fasano; Bologna IT) -- 37 Penis enhancement and reshaping with autologous fat. (Littara; Milano IT) -- 38 Antiaging procedures with fat grafting.(Botti, Salò IT) -- 39 Total face rejuvenation through lipofilling.(S. Coleman USA) -- 40 Hands fat grafting: evidence-based results (R. Giunta (IT) -- 41 Enhanced fat grafting for hand rejuvenation (F. Fantozzi (IT).
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