Ecosystem and Species Habitat Modeling for Conservation and Restoration
Dhyani, Shalini. editor.
1st ed. 2023.
Physical Description:
XXXV, 570 p. 1 illus. online resource.
1. Modelling tools and plausible scenarios in science-policy to improve evidence based decision making for human-well-being -- 2. Basic Introduction to Species Distribution Modelling -- 3. Machine Learning based predictive modelling approaches for better understanding evolutionary history, distribution and niche occupancy: Experience from Western Ghats -- 4. Mapping the impact of climate change on eco-sensitive hotspots using species distribution modelling (SDMs) - Gaps, Challenges and Future Perspectives -- 5. Approaches for modelling the climate change impacts on ecosystems -- 6. Developing a Bayesian Model of Climate-Induced Lake Overturn in Talisay, Taal Lake -- 7. Global sensitivity and uncertainty analysis of MaxEnt model: Implications in species habitat projections -- 8. Tree species diversity and richness patterns reveal high priority areas for conservation in Eswatini -- 9. Improving the conservation status of a threatened tree (Acer sikkimensis Miq. syn. Acer hookeri Miq.) through standardization of seed germination protocol and using ecological niche modeling -- 10. Ecological Niche Modeling of the endemic Himalayan near-threatened treeline conifer Abies spectabilis (D.Don) Mirb. in the Indian Central Himalaya -- 11. Modeling the distribution of a medicinal plant Oroxylum indicum (L.) Kurz for its conservation in Arunachal Pradesh -- 12. Habitat Suitability and Niche Modeling for Conservation and Restoration of Aconitum heterophyllum Wall. in Temperate Himalayan Forest Ecosystem -- 13. Application of species distribution modeling for conservation and restoration of forest ecosystems -- 14. Habitat suitability analysis of Asiatic Elephants (Elephas maximus) in the Tropical Moist Deciduous Forest of Assam using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) -- 15. Factors Affecting the Habitat Suitability of Eastern Swamp Deer (Rucervus duvaucelii ranjitsinhi Groves, 1982) in Manas National Park and Implicationfor Terai Grassland Restoration -- 16. Evaluating Potential Habitats of Chital, Sloth Bear and Jungle Cat in Selected Areas of Central Indian Landscape -- 17. Habitat suitability modeling of Tor tor (Hamilton, 1822) in the Indian drainage systems using MaxEnt -- 18. Modelling the influence of Marine Fishery Advisories on the reduction of Carbon Dioxide emissions for Odisha under varying Climate Change Scenarios using CMIP models - an evidence-based approach for policymaking -- 19. Impacts of pollution on tropical montane and temperate forests of South Asia: Preliminary studies by post graduate students in India and Sri Lanka -- 20. Selection of strategic sampling sites for river quality assessments near mined areas as a policy handle for low-impact development and biodiversity conservation - a case study of River Godavari -- 21. Ecological niche modeling predicts the potential area for cultivation of Melia dubia Cav. (Meliaceae): a promising tree speciesfor agroforestry in India -- 22. Proportions of change in the airborne particulate matter (PM10) concentrations across selected states in Peninsular India - a study of decadal, pre-pandemic trends for planning restoration -- 23. Decomposition of Sunflower Cuttings and its Impact on Soil Fertility of Rice Terraces (Payoh) in Banaue, Ifugao, Philippines -- 24. Forest ecosystem modeling for policy planning: A review -- 25. Ecological Carrying Capacity Modelling and Sustainability Assessment of the Seven Lakes of San Pablo City, Laguna, Philippines -- 26. Assessment of the contribution of Fresh Water Ecosystem Services to the Hydropower Sector in the Kura-Araz basin -- 27. Eutrophication modelling of Chilika Lagoon using an artificial neural network approach.
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