Industrial Engineering, Management Science and Applications 2015
Gen, Mitsuo. editor.
1st ed. 2015.
Physical Description:
XX, 1102 p. 398 illus. online resource.
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 349
Regional Location Decision for Thai Garment Industry; Walailak Atthirawong, Wariya Panprung -- Key Performance Indicators for Sustainable Campus Assessment; Elita Amrina, Febriza Imansuri -- Study on the Agriculture Information Cloud Architecture and Application; Peng Qing, et al -- Enhanced value stream mapping; Markus Philipp Roessler, et al -- Automatic Oil Palm Detection and Identification from Multi-scale Clustering and Normalized Cross Correlation; Teerawut Wong-in, et al -- A Comparison Approach for Accuracy Feature of Requirements Prioritization Models; Jenjira Jaimunk, Pradorn Sureephong -- A Novel Approach on Operation and Maintenance Guideline using Semantic Processing and Clustering; Ki Hoon Jang, et al -- Rutting Load Equivalency Factors of Heavy Vehicles Operating in the Sothern Part of Malaysian Peninsula; Osama Mahmoud Yassenn, et al -- FLC-Based Indoor Air Quality Assessment for ASHRAE Standard Conformance; Rionel Caldo -- Artificial Intelligent System To Stop Bots From Playing Online Gamesartificial Intelligent System To Stop Bots From Playing Online Games; Gagandeep Singh, et al -- Multi-lane Detection Based on Original Omni-directional Images; Chuanxiang Li, et al -- A Framework for Text Classification Using Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets; Peerasak Intarapaiboon -- An Adaptive Incremental Fuzzy TSK Controller Combined with Evolutionary Optimization; Niusha Shafiabady, et al -- Ground Grid Integrity Testing Using Matlab Fuzzy Logic Toolbox; Bryan M. Dimayuga, et al -- Filtering as a Tool of Diversity in Ensemble of Classifiers; Eva Volna, et al -- Mining High Utility Patterns in Different Time Periods; Show-Jane Yen, Yue-Shi Lee -- Content Based Image Retrieval using Fuzzy Texton and Shearlet Transform; Sudhakar Putheti , et al -- Assessing Lean Implementation; Timo Schröders, Virgilio Cruz-Machado -- Concealing of Al2(SO4)3Stainby SprayCoating Process; Chachsanun Srisoy, Suksan Prombanpong -- Developing interfaces based on services to the cloud manufacturing; Eduardo Cardoso Moraes, et al -- Optimization of Teflon Spraying Process for Non-Stick Coating Application; Oraphan Poonkwan, et al -- Multidimensional Process Analytical System for Manufacturing Management; Poonphon Suesaowaluk -- The Design of Machine Cluster for Loading and Unloading Slider in the Hard Disk Drive Manufacturing; Amarin Wongsetti, Suksan Prombanpong -- A study of downloading game applications; Long-Sheng Chen, Chen-Wei Yen -- Explicating the Trends of China's Logistics Services for Electronic Commerce; Mu-Chen Chen, et al -- Measuring Customer Relationship Marketing Outcomes in the Greek Banking Sector; Ilias Santouridis, Melania Stoumbou -- Analysis of Websites of Top Global Logistics Providers by a Trust Building Framework; Lachana Ramingwong, Sakgasit Ramingwong -- An Empirical-based Construction of the Multi-Purpose Process Reference Model for Hospital Supply Chain; Wirachchaya Chanpuypetch, Duangpun Kritchanchai -- Smartphone Based Healthcare Platform and Challenges; Bofan Song, et al -- Operating rooms decision optimization integrating surgery planning and nurse rostering; Siyu Wang, et al -- Linking Hospital Supply Chain Processes and Performance to Identify Key Performance Indicator; Tuangyot Supeekit, et al -- Kansei's Physiological Measurement in Small-Medium sized Enterprises using Profile of Mood States and Heart Rate; Mirwan Ushada, et al -- Investigation of Customer and Technical Requirements for Designing an Ergonomics Notebook Soft case using Quality Function Deployment (QFD) Approach; Hilma Raimona Zadry, Defri Arif Irfansyah -- Demographic Characteristics in Correlation with Household Electricity Use; Lusi Susanti, et al -- HR Competencies; G. Rajini -- Central Composite Design for the Experiments with Replicate Runs at Factorial and Axial Points; Haeil Ahn -- A Software Trustworthiness Measure Based on the Decompositions of Trustworthy Attributes and Its Validation; Hongwei Tao, et al -- Review Relationship TPM as mediator between TQM and Business Performance; Ahmad M.F, et al -- Theoretical Review of Critical Factors that Impact on Global Human Resource Practices; Muhammad Mehmood Aslam, et al -- Ranking Measures for Sustaining Quality Excellence Practices; Mehran Doulatabadi, Sha'ri Mohd Yusof -- Software Reliability Analysis Considering the Fault Detection Trends for Big Data on Cloud Computing; Yoshinobu Tamura, Shigeru Yamada -- Effect of Vibration Transmissibility on Fatigue Lifetime of Electronic Devices; Liu Yang, et al -- Reliability Importance of the Channels in Safety Instrumented Systems; Yiliu Liu, Mary Ann Lundteigen -- Fatigue Damage Ratios for Heavy Vehicles Operating in the Southern Part of Malaysian Peninsula; Osama Mahmoud Yassenn, et al -- Process Reliability Modeling Based on Nonlinear Correlation Analysis; Chuanliang Zhang, et al -- Identification of Public Awareness in Preventive Main-tenance for Personal Automobile; Y. Ngadiman, et al -- Fire risk assessment in the blind school building; Ketsakorn A., Phangchandha R -- Minimum Partial Encryption for JPEG/JPEG2000 Medical Image Protection; SeongMin Yoo, et al -- The Optimal Hedging Strategy for Commodity Processors in Supply Chain; Ehsan Bolandifar, Zhong Chen -- Pet (Polyethylene Terapthalate) Plates; Engr. Juan C. Tecson -- Application of MFCA and Dynamic Programming in Operations Improvement: A Case Study; Atchara Songkham, Chompoonoot Kasemset -- Value Analysis of Coco Board for Production Sustainability; Marianne B. Calayag -- Effect of Temperature on the Colour and TSS removal of Batik dye wastes in an integrated biological and filtration treatment system; N.A Ramlee, et al -- A multi-agent approach for production management; Ana Paula M. TANAJURA, et al -- Design of Experiment for Predicting Residual Stresses in Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Process; Adirek Baisukhan, et al -- Hands-on Industrial Process Modelling Using the MATLAB System Identification Toolbox; Abubakar Sadiq Bappah -- Enhancement of Signal Strength in Evaporation Ducting towards Radio Wave Propagation; Mardeni Bin Roslee, Yushida M.Yunus -- Model based design of finger exoskeleton for post stroke rehabilitation using a slotted link cam with lead screw mechanism; Mohd Nor Azmi Bin Ab Patar, et al -- Quantile Estimation Using a Combination of Stratified Sampling and Control Variates; Marvin Nakayama -- A Simulation-based for Inter Release Problem in Airport Baggage Handling Systems; James T.
Lin, et al -- A New Two-Phase Approach for Petri Net based Modeling of Scheduling Problems; Reggie Davidrajuh -- Simulation and Analysis of Impulse Faults in Power Transformer; Kaveri Bhuyana, et al -- The online study design for different study location environment, using ICT and social methodology tool; Platt Pangthong, Phudinan Singkamfu -- Telematics Technology Development Forecasting; Shu-Hao Chang, Chin-Yuan Fan -- Empirical Study of Collaborative Learning Knowledge Management System for Thai Students; Krittawaya Thongkoo, Chiraporn Thongkhu -- Factors for Enterprise Resource Planning System Selection to Support Information Management of Manufacturers; Porntida Kaewkamol -- Low level of Licensing Activities by Universities in Japan; Shigenori Hata, Kumiko Miyazaki -- Analysing Industry Clustering To Develop Competitive Advantage For Wualai Silver Handicraft; Khanita Tumphasuwan -- University-Industry Linkages (UILs) and Research Collaborations; Naparat Siripitakchai, Kumiko Miyazaki -- Factors Affecting the Use of Information Technology for Collaboration among Government, Educational and Tourism Small Business Sectors; Kannika Daungcharone -- How managerial capabilities of entrepreneur leverage innovative capability of SMEs; Qingrui Xu, et al -- Definition of Complex Hurst and Fractional Analysis for Stock Market Fluctuation; Qing Zou, et al -- Water Cycle and Artificial Bee Colony Based Algorithms for Optimal Order Allocation Problem with Mixed Quantity Discount Scheme; Chanikarn Praepanichawat, et al -- The management of assessment and allocation of marshalling yards and designation their catchment areas; Juraj Camaj, et al -- An EOQ Model for Petrol Stations Under Markovian Demand; Kizito Paul Mubiru -- Improving Vehicle Routing Decision for Travel Agency in Chonburi, Thailand; Tantikorn Pichpibul -- Differential Evolution Algorithm for Storage Location Assignment Problem; Warisa Wisittipanich, Pongsakorn Meesuk -- Master Production Scheduling for the Production Planning in the Pharmaceutical Industry; Sivinee Wattitham, et al -- A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for Simultaneous Scheduling of Machines and AGVs in FMS; James T. Lin, et al -- Collaborative agents supporting tactical planning activities - an industrial application; Ana Paula M. TANAJURA, et al -- Minimizing Makespan using Node Based Coincidence Algorithm in the Permutation Flowshop Scheduling Problem; Ornrumpha Srimongkolkul, Prabhas Chongstitvatana -- An Inventory System of Packaging Materials; Djambi Waras Jujuhan, et al -- A Pattern In Formgiving Design; Rusmadiah Anwar, et al -- Simulation of Logistic Operations; Jana Lalinská, et al -- Contracting decisions in project management - an outline of the dedicated decision support system; Tomasz Błaszczyk, Paweł Błaszczyk -- Factory Logistics Improvement Projects; Sakgasem Ramingwong, et al -- Enhancing Project Funding Decision Quality; Ofer Zwikael -- Software project team selectionbased on enterprise social networks; Panos Fitsilis, et al -- Enhancing Virtual Manipulatives for After-School Tutoring in the Subtraction Unit; Wen-Chung Shih -- Implementing an Information System Development Simulation in an Industry Engineering Class; Sakgasit Ramingwong, Lachana Ramingwong -- Complexity-oriented organization-design - findings from an application in a purchasing organization; Ronny Weinreich, et al -- Exploring the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System (EMS) Towards SMEs Organizational Performance; A.H Nor Aziati, et al -- Happy workers .
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