Internet of Things, Smart Spaces, and Next Generation Networks and Systems 22nd International Conference, NEW2AN 2022, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, December 15-16, 2022, Proceedings
Koucheryavy, Yevgeni. editor. (orcid)
1st ed. 2023.
Physical Description:
XIV, 659 p. 277 illus., 194 illus. in color. online resource.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 13772
Tangential shear stress in an oscillatory flow of a viscoelastic fluid in a flat channel -- Comparison of Finite Difference Schemes of Different Orders of Accuracy for the Burgers Wave Equation Problem -- Numerical solution of the combustion process using the computer package ANSYS fluent -- Simulation Modeling of Reliability of Packet Switching Unit -- Analytical Model for Assessing the Reliability of the Functioning of the Adaptive Switching Node -- Artificial intelligence software architecture in the field of cardiology and application in the cardio vessel project using CJM and customer development methods -- Using discretization and numerical methods of problem 1d-3d-1d model for blood vessel walls with Navier-Stokes -- Numerical simulation of a flow in a two-dimensional channel on the basis of a two-liquid turbulence model -- Application fuzzy neural network methods to detect cryptoattacks on financial information systems based on blockchain technology -- Method authentication of objects information communication systems -- TEDCTSSA: Trust Enabled Data Collection Technique based Sparrow Search Algorithm for WSN-based Applications -- ISTOA: An improved Sooty Tern Optimization Algorithm for multilevel threshold image segmentation -- Implementing digital transformation in the logistics system of Uzbekistan -- Numerical modeling of vertical axis wind turbines using ANSYS FLUENT software -- "i'll wait 4 ur answr!" A Study on Modern Style of Cyber-Writing and User Reactions -- Improvement of information support in intelligent information energy systems -- The Assessment of the Effectiveness of the Development of Digital Technologies in Commercial Banks in Uzbekistan -- The Study of the Impact of the Digital Economy on the Growth of E-Government Services in Uzbekistan -- Deep learning algorithm for classifying dilated cardiomyopathy and hypertrophy cardiomyopathy in transport workers -- eCommerce benchmarking: theoretical background, variety of types, and application of competitive-integration benchmarking -- Cryptocurrencies as the money of the future -- A Data Security Technique Combining Asymmetric Cryptography and Compressive Sensing for IoT Enabled Wireless Sensor Networks -- Energy Efficient and Secure Scheme based Compressive Sensing method for Internet of Vehicles -- Impact of digital technologies on women's employment -- The impact of digitalisation on the safe development of individuals in society -- Econometric Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Management of the Enterprise through the Supply of Raw Materials in Oil Enterprises in the Conditions of the Digital Economy -- The impact of digital infrastructure, foreign direct investment and trade openness on economic growth: In the case of Uzbekistan -- The impact of thefinancial ratios on the financial performance. A case of Chevron Corporation (CVX) -- The impact of the digitalisation of payment systems on the profitability of commercial banks -- The main aspects and benefits of digital transformation of business entities -- The influence of the capital structure of state enterprises on the profitability of the enterprise -- Exploring the development of China's digital trade in the context of the domestic and international double cycle -- A systematic mapping study of using the cutting-edge technologies in marketing: the state of the art of four key new-age technologies -- Social Media Marketing for Educational Purposes: Goals, Objectives and Content of the Training Course -- Digital Marketing and Smart Technology Marketing Systems as the future of metaverse -- The impact of the digital economy on the development of higher education -- What is the state-of-the-art contribution of the higher education system to the digital economy: a systematic mapping study on changes and challenges -- Innovating primary education of promoting students' language competencies through mobile assisted language learning approach: Selection framework of innovative digital technologies -- Econometric assessment of the dynamics of development of the export authority of small business and private business subjects in the conditions of the digital economy -- The significance of the Internet of Things for ensuring the smooth operation of network functions in fintech -- Impact of E-government on Poverty Rate: a Cross- Country Empirical Assessment -- An empirical investigation of the relationship between e-government development and multidimensional poverty -- On Digital Twin Software and Cyber Threats -- On local services based on non-standard Wi-Fi Direct usage model -- Compatibility analysis between 5G NR and ultra-wideband devices in the 6425-7125 MHz frequency band -- 6 GHz band sharing study for FWA base stations and GEO satellite receivers -- Federated Learning Strategies Over Wireless Channels -- Data Routing in UAV Networks with Multiple Data Sources using Steiner Tree -- Reduced complexity distributed arithmetic architecture for FIR filters -- Blockchain-driven Hybrid Model for IoT Authentication -- An Heuristic Approach for Mapping of Service Function Chains in Softwarized 5G Networks -- Multi-threshold hysteresis-Based Congestion Control for UAV-based Detection Sensor Network -- Analysis of the capacity gain of Probability Shaping QAM -- LoRa Mesh Network for Image Transmission: An Experimental Study -- Blockchain Technology - Innovation for Better Collaboration and Increased Efficieny. The U.S. Logistics and Trucking Industry Case -- Econometric Study of the Impact of the Digital Economyon the Gross Product in Anti-monopoly Conditions -- Predictive models for effective management of e- commerce in New Uzbekistan -- The role of IT on transportation, logistics and the economic growth among Central Asian countries.
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