Perles de verre = Glasperlen = glass-beads = businki, 12 pièces faciles pour piano, op, 123
Grechaninov, Aleksandr Tikhonovich, 1864-1956
Publication Information:
Mainz : B. Schott's Söhne, [n.d.]
Physical Description:
nota (11 s.)
Morgenspaziergang = Promenade du matin = Morning walk -- Kleiner Bettler = Petit mendiant = Little beggar -- Etüde -- Betrübt = Triste = Sad -- Auf dem Fahrrad = A bicyclette = On the bicycle -- Walzer = Valse = Waltz -- Schwere Arbeit = Travail dur = Difficult work -- Mein erster Ball = Mon premier bal = My first ball -- Klage = Plainte = Complaint -- Auf dem Felde = Sur le champ = In the fields -- Bei Mutti = Chez maman = With mother -- Auf der Harmonika = Jouant de l'accordéon = On the harmonica.
Library | Material Type | Item Barcode | Shelf Number | Status | Item Holds |
Searching... | Note | 7.2/14/48623 | M25 .G74 OP.123 | Searching... | Searching... |