Never Say Die! : A Thousand Years of Yiddish in Jewish Life and Letters
Never Say Die! : A Thousand Years of Yiddish in Jewish Life and Letters
Aleykhem, Sholem, contributor.
Reprint 2010
Physical Description:
1 online resource (763 p.) : Num. figs. and tabs.
Contributions to the Sociology of Language [CSL] , 30
I-XVI -- The Sociology of Yiddish: A Foreword -- PART I: SOCIOHISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE ON YIDDISH -- PART II: ORTHODOXY: THEN AND NOW -- PART III: MODERNIZATION MOVEMENTS AND MODERN ATTITUDES -- PART IV: HISTORIC MOMENTS -- PART V: FORMAL INSTITUTIONS OF LANGUAGE -- PART VI: MAINTENANCE AND SHIFT -- REFERENCES -- PART I SOCIOHISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE -- The Reality of Jewishness versus the Ghetto Myth: The Sociolinguistic Roots of Yiddish -- The Yiddish Language: Its Cultural Impact -- Vegn der natsyonaler role fun yidish un der yidisher kultur [Concerning the Ethnohistorical Role of Yiddish and Yiddish Culture] -- Ume veloshn: yidish folk, yidish loshn [People and Language: Jewish Nationality and Yiddish Language] -- PART II ORTHODOXY: THEN AND NOW -- A Defense of Yiddish in Old Yiddish Literature -- Yidishkeyt un yidish [Jewishness and Yiddish] -- Di rekht fun 'loshn ashkenaz' bay dintoyres [The Rights of Yiddish in Suits in Rabbinic Courts] / Der vilner goen un yidish [The Sage of Vilna and Yiddish] -- Geule fun loshn [Redemption of Language] -- The Role of Yiddish in American Ultra-Orthodox and Hassadic Communities -- Who Needs Yiddish? -- Sounds of Modern Orthodoxy: The Language of Talmud Studies -- PART III MODERNIZATION MOVEMENTS AND MODERN ATTITUDES -- Di fir klasn [The Four Categories] -- Matesyohu mizes un di polemik vegn yidish [Matesyohu Mizes (Mattathias Mieses) and the Polemic about Yiddish] -- Zhitlovsky and American Jewry -- Mir bashuldikn un monen akhrayes! [We Accuse and Demand Responsibility!] -- Der blik az yidish iz der tamtsis fun yidishkayt - di sakone fun der formule 'lingvistish-sekularistish' [The View that Yiddish is the Quintessence of Jewishness - The Danger of the Formulation 'Linguistic-Secularistic'] -- An ofener briv tsu undzer yidishistisher inteligents [An Open Letter to Our Yiddishist Intelligentsia] -- Who Needs Yiddish? A Study in Language and Ethics -- PART IV HISTORIC MOMENTS -- Attracting a Following to High-Culture Functions for a Language of Everyday Life: The Role of the Tshernovits Language Conference in the 'Rise of Yiddish' -- Di yidishe shprakh af der tog-ordenung fun der sholem-konferents in pariz, 1919 [The Yiddish Language on the Agenda of the Peace Conference in Paris, 1919] -- Tsu der efenung fun der yidish-katedre in yerushelayemer universitet [On the Inauguration of the Yiddish Chair at the University in Jerusalem] -- Address at the Dedication of the Leivick House in Israel, May 14, 1970 -- Deklaratsye fun der velt-konferents far yidish un yidisher kultur in yerushelayem...dem 23stn-26stn oygust 1976 [Declaration of the World Conference for Yiddish and Yiddish Culture in Jerusalem... August 23-26, 1976] -- PART V FORMAL INSTITUTIONS OF LANGUAGE: THE PRESS, LITERATURE, THEATER, SCHOOLS -- Der 'bund' un der gedank vegn a yidish-veltlekher shul [The 'Bund' and the Idea of a Yiddish-Secular School] -- Tsvey shprakhn-eyneyntsike literatur [Two Languages - One Literature] -- Lererkursn far yidish in lodzher geto [Yiddish Courses for Teachers in the (Nazi) Ghetto of Lodz] -- The Night of the Murdered Poets -- An Educational Assessment of the Yiddish Secular School Movements in the United States -- The American Yiddish Press at Its Centennial -- Ida Kaminska and the Yiddish Theater -- Yiddish in the University -- PART VI MAINTENANCE AND SHIFT -- Di yidishe shprakh in undzer privat-lebn [The Yiddish Language in Our Private Life] -- The Struggle for Yiddish During World War I: The Attitude of German Jewry -- Di shprakhn bay yidn in umophengikn poyln [The Languages of Jews in Independent Poland] -- Lebediker untergang [Lively Death]/A loshn af tomid, nisht af dervayl [A Language for Always, Not Just for a While] -- Yiddish in Melbourne -- Knowledge, Use, and Evaluation of Yiddish and Hebrew among American Jewish College Students -- PART VII SOCIOLINGUISTIC VARIATION AND PLANNING -- Vegn zhargon oysleygn [About Spelling Zhargon ( = Yiddish)] -- Undzer mame-loshn [Our Mother Tongue] -- Vegn litvishn dialekt in kongres-poyln [Concerning the Litvak (= Northeastern) Dialect in Congress Poland] Zeyer gerekht [Absolutely Right] B. (= Shloyme Birnboym) -- he 'Hidden Standard': A Study of Competing Influences in Standardization -- Politics and Linguistics in the Standardization of Soviet Yiddish -- Some Aspects of the Use of Pronouns of Address in Yiddish -- Bilingualism and Dialect Mixture Among Lubavitcher Hasidic Children -- Epilogue: Contributions of the Sociology of Yiddish to the General Sociology of Language -- Original Sources -- Index
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