Cover image for Language Contact : An International Handbook.  Volume 1
Language Contact : An International Handbook. Volume 1
Abdollahi, Fatemeh, contributor.
Physical Description:
1 online resource (XIII, 853 p.)
Handbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft / Handbooks of Linguistics and Communication Science [HSK] , 45/1
Frontmatter -- Preface -- Contents -- 1. Language contact research: scope, trends, and possible future directions -- I. Linguistic aspects of language contact -- 2. Contact-induced change -- 3. Universal processes in contact-induced syntactic change -- 4. Contact-induced semantic change -- 5. Lexicon and word formation -- 6. Morphology -- 7. Orthography and graphemics -- 8. Levels of representation in phonetic and phonological contact -- 9. Pidginization and creolization -- 10. Varieties in contact -- 11. Language contact and constructed languages -- II. Language contact and the individual -- 12. Pragmatics -- 13. Borrowing -- 14. Code-switching -- 15. Language contact across the lifespan -- 16. Uninstructed language acquisition in multiple language learners -- 17. First language attrition and contact linguistics -- 18. Individual variation in bilingual lexical processing: the impact of second language proficiency and executive function on cross-language activation -- 19. Metalinguistic awareness and multilingual development -- 20. Language attitudes -- 21. Gender and language contact: how gender is/isn't marked in language contact -- III. Societal aspects of language contact -- 22. Multilingualism -- 23. From geographical and social boundaries to epistemic breaks -- 24. Language and identity in language contact settings -- 25. Language ideology -- 26. Speech community -- 27. Urban and rural language contact -- 28. Globalization and superdiversity 28. Globalization and superdiversity -- 29. States, nations, and language contact -- 30. Language politics, policy, and planning -- 31. Majorities and minorities in language policy and language rights -- 32. Language standardization -- 33. Domains -- 34. Language contact and education: from language separation to translanguaging pedagogy -- 35. Media and contact linguistics -- 36. Language contact in the linguistic landscape -- 37. Language shift -- 38. Language maintenance -- IV. Methodological issues -- 39. Quantitative analysis of language contact data -- 40. Qualitative data elicitation and analysis -- 41. Surveys -- 42. The representativeness of samples -- 43. The geolinguistic treatment of demolinguistic data -- 44. Domain analysis -- 45. Language typology in contemporary perspective -- 46. Social network analysis -- 47. Nexus analysis and multilingualism -- 48. Ethnography in research on language contact -- 49. Interviewing -- 50. Participant Observation -- 51. Discourse analysis -- 52. Corpus linguistic methods -- 53. Psycholinguistic methods in the study of bilingualism -- 54. Research ethics in contact linguistics -- V. Interactions with neighboring disciplines -- 55. Anthropology -- 56. Colonial studies -- 57. Economics and language contact -- 58. Educational sciences -- 59. Language contact and legal studies -- 60. Contact linguistics and literary studies -- 61. Media/Communication studies -- 62. The politics perspective on language contact -- 63. Social psychology -- 64. Translation studies -- Index


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