Status Change of Languages
Ammon, Ulrich, editor.
Reprint 2013
Physical Description:
1 online resource (556 p.): 2 Ktn.
Grundlagen der Kommunikation und Kognition / Foundations of Communication and Cognition
Frontmatter -- Contents -- Foreword -- I. National or Official Languages -- Linguistic Legislation and Prestige Shift / The Role of Pressure Groups in the Change of the Status of French in Québec since 1960 / Changes in the Status and Function of Quechua / Status Types and Status Changes in the Arabic Language / Status Change of Languages in Sub-Saharan Africa / Socioeconomic Transitions and Language Status Change: The Case of Luxembourg / Language Status Shift in the United States: A European Perspective / Hindi Language Planning: A Case Study of Status Change / In Search of Status: Bahasa Malaysia for National Unification / II. Nonstandard or Standardizing Languages -- The Status of Tok Pisin in Papua New Guinea: The Colonial Predicament / The Changing Status of Melanesian Pidgin English / Function and Status Change of Pidgin and Creole Languages / III. Non-Official or Minority Languages -- Three Dilemmas of Organized Efforts to Reverse Language Shift / The Changing Status of U. S. Spanish: de Facto Second Language? / The Status of a Minority Language in India: A Case Study of Maithili / Status and Function Changes of Dutch as an Immigrant Language in Australia / Problems of Status and Status Change of Yiddish / The Changing Status of English in Switzerland / Evolution et Statut des Variantes Standard et Dialectales de l'Allemand en Alsace / IV. Varieties of German -- The Status of German as a Language of Science and the Importance of the English Language for German-Speaking Scientists / Recent Changes in the Status of German as a Language of Chemistry / On the Status and Changes in the Status of German as a Language of Diplomacy / Phases of Language Maintenance and Shift: On the Status of Michigan Franconian / Diachronic and Synchronic Aspects of Status Change: The Case of the Old Order Amish and Related Groups / V. Special Topics -- Assessing Language Status: Some Problems / Der Weg von einem Sprachprojekt zu einer lebenden Welthilfssprache. Einige Aspekte des Statuswandels, dargestellt am Beispiel des Esperanto / Deference, Politeness and the Status of Language - A Study in the Variability and Changeability of a Crucial Relationship / Sachregister -- Backmatter
Electronic Access:
https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110851625Cover https://www.degruyter.com/cover/covers/9783110851625.jpg