Microplastic sources, fate and solution
Khan, Anish. editor.
1st ed. 2023.
Physical Description:
XI, 129 p. 1 illus. online resource.
Chapter 1. Microplastics in the freshwater and earthbound conditions: Prevalence, destinies, impacts and supportable arrangements -- Chapter 2. Effect of microplastics on microbial network -- Chapter 3.Quick estimation of microplastic in meat -- Chapter 4.Source, migration and toxicology of microplastics in soil -- Chapter 5.Impact of microplastics on nutrient -- Chapter 6.Agricultural plastic mulching as a source of microplastics in the terrestrial condition -- Chapter 7.Worldly and spatial varieties of microplastics in side of the road dust from provincial and urban area, : Implications for diffuse contamination -- Chapter 8.Microplastic particles in the Persian/Arabian Gulf -- Chapter 9.Impacts of microplastic biofilms on supplement cycling in recreated freshwater frameworks -- Chapter 10.Conveyance, bounty and dangers of microplastics in nature -- Chapter 11.Accumulation system of antibiotic medication hydrochloride from fluid arrangements bynylon microplastics -- Chapter 12.Expulsion of microplastics by means of drinking water treatment: Current information and future headings -- Chapter 13.Impacts of polystyrene microplastics on larval advancement, settlement, and transformation -- Chapter 14.Bioaccumulation of microplastics and its in vivo connections -- Chapter 15.Microplastics in oceanic situations: Toxicity to trigger biological results -- Chapter 16.Waterfront sea elements decrease the fare of microplastics to the vast sea -- Chapter 17.Barnacles as potential bioindicator of microplastic contamination in Hong Kong -- Chapter 18.Microplastic accumulation in remote ocean dregs from the Rockall Trough -- Chapter 19.Environmental microplastics: A survey on current status and points of view -- Chapter 20.The joined poisonous quality impact of microplastics and nonylphenol on microalgae Chlorella pyrenoidosa -- Chapter 21.Daylight interceded cadmium discharge from shaded microplastics containing cadmium color in watery stage -- Chapter 22.Environmental microplastic testimony in a urban environment and an assessment of transport -- Chapter 23.Biofilm modifies antibiotic medication and copper adsorption practices onto polyethylene microplastics.
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