Transboundary water management in a changing climate
Dewals, Benjamin.
Publication Information:
London : Taylor & Francis Group, 2013.
Physical Description:
xii, 109 p. : ill., map.
Adaptation of the Meuse to the impacts of climate evolutions : the AMICE project in short / M. Fournier & M. Lejeune -- Does the river Meuse change? / H. H. Tolkamp -- Multidecadal climate oscillations and climate scenarios for impact analysis on hydrological extremes in Belgium / P. Willems -- Impact of climate change on inundation hazard along the river Meuse / B. Dewals, G. Drogue, S. Erpicum, M. Pirotton & P. Archambeau -- Impacts of future floods and low flows on the economy in the Meuse basin / B. Sinaba, R. Dr̲ing, M. Kufeld, H. Sch¿ttrumpf & A. Bauwens -- Climate change and the impact on drinking water supply in the Meuse river basin / H. Rm̲gens -- Natural water retention, a no-regret measure against future water-related risks and an opportunity for local communication / M. Fournier, M. Lejeune, P. van Iersel, R. Lambregts & C. Raskin -- Structural protection against future water-related risks and solidarity among the Meuse countries / M. Fournier, J. De Bijl, G. Demny, C. Homann, K. Maeghe & M. Linsen -- Crisis management : the AMICE exercise in November 2011 / B. Tonnelier -- Active flood management in Alpine catchment areas equipped with storage hydropower schemes / M. Bieri, A.J. Schleiss & F. Jordan -- Towards a roadmap to climate change adaptation in the Meuse river basin, with the focus on water quantity / I. Krueger, B.T. Ottow, O. de Keizer & H. Buiteveld -- The Programme Interreg IV B North-West Europe / L. Tuulik -- Deltares activities in the Meuse river basin / F.C. Sperna Weiland, M. van Dijk, O. de Keizer & A.H. Weerts -- Knowledge of the river Meuse / H. Nacken -- The CONHAZ project / C. Green -- Using agro-hydrology to adapt to climate evolutions / A. Degr ̌C. Sohier, A. Bauwens & M. Grandry -- Taming the rivers? Solutions and strategies / R. Thp̌ot -- How to communicate about climate change impacts? / E. Huyghe -- La Commission Internationale de la Meuse / J. Tack -- Jointly adapting to climate change in transboundary basins : the programme of pilot projects under the UNECE Water Convention / S. Koeppel -- AMICE song / J. De Bijl & M. Linsen -- Old river Meuse meets super hero AMICE / M. Lejeune & M. Fournier -- Internet documentary on the river Meuse / W. Overmars.
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