L2 Interactional Competence and Development
Compernolle, R.A. Van, contributor.
Physical Description:
1 online resource (296 p.)
Second Language Acquisition
Frontmatter -- Contents -- Contributors -- Preface -- Chapter 1. L2 Interactional Competence and Development -- Part 1: The Nature of L2 Interactional Competence -- Chapter 2. Enacting Interactional Competence in Gaming Activities: Coproducing Talk with Virtual Others -- Chapter 3. Learning as Social Action -- Chapter 5. Second Language Interaction for Business and Learning -- Chapter 6. Responding to Questions and L2 Learner Interactional Competence during Language Proficiency Interviews: A Microanalytic Study with Pedagogical Implications -- Part 2: Development of L2 Interactional Competence -- Chapter 7. Members' Methods, Members' Competencies: Looking for Evidence of Language Learning in Longitudinal Investigations of Other-Initiated Repair -- Chapter 8. Achieving Recipient Design Longitudinally: Evidence from a Pharmacy Intern in Patient Consultations -- Chapter 9. Developing 'Methods' for Interaction: A Cross-Sectional Study of Disagreement Sequences in French L2 -- Chapter 10. Becoming the Teacher: Changing Participant Frameworks in International Teaching Assistant Discourse -- Appendix 1: Transcription Notations -- Appendix 2: Dialogic Lecture (D2) Instructions -- Appendix 3: Dialogic Lecture Evaluation Form