Preparing Teachers to Teach English as an International Language
Bayyurt, Yasemin, contributor.
Physical Description:
1 online resource
New Perspectives on Language and Education
Frontmatter -- Contents -- Contributors -- Introduction -- Part 1: Theoretical Frameworks -- 1. Foundations of an EIL-aware Teacher Education -- 2. A Framework for Incorporating an English as an International Language Perspective into TESOL Teacher Education -- Part 2: Teacher Preparation Programs -- 3. A New Model for Reflexivity and Advocacy for Master's-Level EIL In-Service Programs in Colombia: The Notion of 'Learning and Teaching Processes in Second Languages' -- 4. US-based Teacher Education Program for 'Local' EIL Teachers -- Part 3: Courses Dedicated to Teaching EIL -- 5. Global Englishes for Language Teaching: Preparing MSc TESOL Students to Teach in a Globalized World -- 6. Training Graduate Students in Japan to be EIL Teachers -- 7. Practices of Teaching Englishes for International Communication -- 8. Preparing Teachers to Teach English as an International Language: Reflections from Northern Cyprus -- Part 4: EIL-informed Courses on Another ELT Topic -- 9. Preparing Preservice Teachers with EIL/WE-oriented Materials Development -- 10. Addressing Culture from an EIL Perspective in a Teacher Education Course in Brazil -- 11. Practicing EIL Pedagog y in a Microteaching Class -- Part 5: Independent Units on Teaching EIL -- 12. A Global Approach to English Language Teaching: Integrating an International Perspective into a Teaching Methods Course -- 13. English as a Lingua Franca in an Online Teacher Education Program Offered by a State University in Brazil -- 14. WE, EIL, ELF and Awareness of Their Pedagogical Implications in Teacher Education Programs in Italy -- Part 6: Lessons, Activities and Tasks for EIL Teacher Preparation -- 15. Lessons, Activities and Tasks for EIL Teacher Preparation -- Index
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