Language in Time and Space : A Festschrift for Werner Winter on the Occasion of his 80th Birthday
Language in Time and Space : A Festschrift for Werner Winter on the Occasion of his 80th Birthday
Adams, Douglas Q., contributor.
Reprint 2011
Physical Description:
1 online resource (443 p.) : 1 Frontispiece. num. figs.
Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs [TiLSM] , 144
I-XXVIII -- Patterns of stress and rhythm in Tocharian Β prosody -- Old Irish masu 'if is' and similar forms -- On bifurcations and the Germanic consonant shifts -- A concept of truth for linguistic semantics -- Middle-passive and causative: valency-change in the Tocharian Β -e- presents without initial palatalization -- Some thoughts on 'Universals' -- Latin static morphology and paradigm families -- Tibeto-Burman vs. Sino-Tibetan -- Some taboo-words in Iranian languages of Central Asia -- Apposition and word-order typology in Indo-European -- Reading Molière's The Learned Ladies - remarks on (im)politeness -- Did Indo-European linguistics prepare the ground for Nazism? Lessons from the past for the present and the future -- On the origin of Tocharian terms for GRAIN -- The Hittite reflexive construction in a typological perspective -- Praise and Honor (Gothic hazjan, Old English hergan, and Russian čest') -- The origin and nature of the linguistic parasite -- Realism in Indo-European Linguistics -- Turkic and Chinese loan words in Tocharian -- Categorizing the Japanese lexicon. A proposal with a background -- Notes on an ethnonym from East Nepal -- 'But' without switch-reference -- Fresh shoots from a vigourous stem: IE *u̯ih1ró- -- On the tracks of the Tocharian Guru -- Eventide in Hatti-land -- An integrated view on ablaut and accent in Indo-European -- An early rule of syncope in Tocharian -- The Latin imperfect in -bā-, the Proto-Indo-European root *bhu̯eh2- and full grade I forms from seṭ-roots with full grade II -- Conceptualization of agency in contemporary Polish -- Ouvrier, Arbeiter, workman, rabočij, obrero, operaio -- Classical Armenian Η AG AG 'breath' and OGEM 'to speak' -- Index -- Index of examples -- Tabula Gratulatoria
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