Cover image for The handbook of groundwater engineering
The handbook of groundwater engineering
Delleur, J. W. (Jacques Willy)
2nd ed.
Publication Information:
Boca Raton : CRC Press, c2007.
Physical Description:
1 v. (various pagings) : ill. (some col.).
1. History of groundwater hydrology / Jacobus J. de Vries -- 2. Geological occurrence of groundwater / Darrell I. Leap -- 3. Elementary groundwater flow and transport processes / Jacques W. Delleur -- 4. Two- and three-dimensional flow of groundwater / F. De Smedt -- 5. Groundwater and seepage : accounting for variability / Milton E. Harr -- 6. Soil Properties and moisture movement in the unsaturated zone / Randel Haverkamp ... [et al.] -- 7. Infiltration / Jan W. Hopmans, Jean-Yves Parlange, and Shmuel Assouline -- 8. Infiltration and run-on under spatially variable hydrologic properties / R.S. Govindaraju ... [et al.] -- 9. Modeling the movement of water and solute through preferential flow paths and fractures / Rony Wallach, Tammo S. Steenhuis, and Jean-Yves Parlange --

10. Well hydraulics and aquifer tests / Hans Boonstra and Richard Soppe -- 11. Well design and construction / Hans Boonstra and Richard Soppe -- 12. Sea water intrusion into coastal aquifers / Jacob Bear and Quanlin Zhou -- 13. Groundwater and heat flow / Darrell I. Leap -- 14. Hydrogeological characterization using geophysical methods / Susan S. Hubbard and Yoram Rubin -- 15. Geophysical and tracer characterization methods / David W. Hyndman -- 16. Geostatistics : interpolation and inverse problems / Peter K. Kitanidis -- 17. Groundwater contaminants / Ernest R. Blatchley, III and John E. Thompson -- 18. Nonreactive contaminant transport in the saturated zone / Natalie Kleinfelter and John H. Cushman -- 19. Reactive contaminant transport in the saturated zone : review of some upscaling approaches /J.H. Cushman and T.R. Ginn -- 20. Groundwater flow and solute transport in fractured media / K.S. Novakowski and E.A. Sudicky -- 21. Groundwater flow in karstic aquifers / William B. White -- 22. Contaminant transport in the unsaturated zone theory and modeling / Ji? ̕?im?nek and Martinus Th. van Genuchten -- 23. Groundwater modeling / Leonard F. Konikow ... [et al.] -- 24. Groundwater model validation / Ahmed E. Hassan --

25. Scale issues / Keith Loague and Dennis L. Corwin -- 26. Accounting for aquifer heterogeneity in solute transport modeling : a case study from the Macrodispersion Experiment (MADE) site in Columbus, Mississippi / Chunmiao Zheng -- 27. Determining sustainable groundwater development / John D. Bredehoeft -- 28. The impact of climate change on groundwater / Mikko I. Jyrkama and Jon F. Sykes -- 29. Ecohydrology : water, carbon, and nutrient cycling in the soil-plant atmosphere continuum / Edoardo Daly, Gabriel Katul, and Amilcare Porporato -- 30. The role of geographical information systems in groundwater engineering / Bernard Engel, Kyoung Jae Lim, and Kumar C.S. Navulur -- 31. Biodegradation / Loring F. Nies and Chad T. Jafvert -- 32. Legal framework for groundwater protection in the United States / John A. Veil ... [et al.] -- 33. Landfills / Beth A. Keister and Pedro C. Repetto -- 34. Evapotranspirative cover systems for waste containment / Jorge G. Zornberg and John S. McCartney -- 35. Groundwater monitoring / Michael F. Houlihan and Paul J. Botek -- 36. Remediation of contaminated groundwater / Michael F. Houlihan and Michael H. Berman -- 37. Geosynthetics / Jorge G. Zornberg and Barry R. Christopher.


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