Truth, Force, and Knowledge in Language : Essays on Semantic and Pragmatic Topics
Tsohatzidis, Savas L. , author.
Physical Description:
1 online resource (XII, 343 p.)
Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs [TiLSM] , 344
Frontmatter -- Acknowledgements -- Contents -- Introduction -- Part I. Matters of meaning and truth -- 1. Truth ascriptions, falsity ascriptions, and the paratactic analysis of indirect discourse -- 2. The hybrid theory of mixed quotation -- 3. Self-reference and the divorce between meaning and truth -- 4. Performativity and the "true/false fetish" -- 5. Speaking of truth-telling: The view from wh-complements -- 6. The distance between "here" and "where I am" -- 7. A problem for a logic of "because" -- 8. What "lack" needs to have: A study in the semantics of privation -- 9. A fake typicality constraint on asymmetric acceptability -- 10. Correlative and noncorrelative conjunctions in argument and nonargument positions -- Part II. Matters of meaning and force -- 11. Yes-no questions and the myth of content invariance -- 12. Deontic trouble in speech act botany -- 13. The gap between speech acts and mental states -- 14. A purported refutation of some theories of assertion -- 15. Two consequences of hinting -- 16. How to test a test for perlocutionary act names -- 17. Speaker meaning, sentence meaning, and metaphor -- 18. Voices and noises in the theory of speech acts -- 19. Searle's derivation of promissory obligation -- 20. Searle's Making the Social World -- 21. A paradox of cooperation in the theory of implicatures -- 22. An inferential impasse in the theory of implicatures -- Part III. Knowledge matters -- 23. How to forget that "know" is factive -- 24. Three problems for the knowledge rule of assertion -- 25. Grammars as objects of knowledge: The availability of dispositionalism -- References -- Index