Signal processing for magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy
Yan, Hong, 1959-
Publication Information:
New York : Marcel Dekker, c2002.
Physical Description:
xvii, 646 p. : ill.
Signal processing and communications ; 15
Series Title:
Signal processing and communications ; 15
Machine generated contents note: Series Introduction K. J. Ray Liu -- Preface -- Contributors -- PART I. IMAGE RECONSTRUCTION AND RESTORATION -- 1. Introduction to Image Reconstruction -- Zhi-Pei Liang, Jim Ji, and E. Mark Haacke -- 2. Wavelet-Based Multiresolution Local Tomography -- E Rashid-Farrokhi and K. J. R. Liu -- 3. The Point Spread Function of Convolution Regridding Reconstruction -- Gordon E. Sarty -- 4. Mapping Motion and Strain with MRI -- Yudong Zhu -- 5. Rotational Motion Artifact Correction Based on Fuzzy Projection onto Convex Sets -- Chaminda Weerasinghe, Lilian Ji, and Hong Yan -- 6. Tagged MR Cardiac Imaging -- Nikolaos V Tsekos and Amir A. Amini -- 7. Functional MR Image Visualization and Signal Processing Methods -- Alex R. Wade, Brian A. Wandell, and Thomas P. Burg --PART II. IMAGE SEGMENTATION AND ANALYSIS -- 8. Multiscale Segmentation of Volumetric MR Brain Images -- Wiro J. Niessen, Koen L. Vincken, Joachim Weickert, and Max A. Viergever -- 9. A Precise Segmentation of the Cerebral Cortex from 3-D MRI Using a Cellular Model and Homotopic Deformations -- Yann Cointepas, Isabelle Bloch, and Line Garnero -- 10. Feature Space Analysis of MRI -- Hamid Soltanian-Zadeh -- 11. Geometric Approaches for Segmentation and Signal Detection in Functional MRI Analysis -- Guillermo Sapiro -- 12. MR Image Segmentation and Analysis Based on Neural Networks -- Javad Alirezaie and M. E. Jernigan -- 13. Stochastic Model Based Image Analysis -- Yue Wang and Tiilay Adal -- 14. Functional MR Image Analysis -- Shang-Hong Lai and Ming Fang -- 15. Tagged MR Image Analysis -- Amir A. Amini and Yasheng Chen -- PART III. SPECTROSCOPIC SIGNAL PROCESSING -- 16. Time-Domain Spectroscopic Quantitation -- Leentje Vanhamme, Sabine Van Huffel, and Paul Van Hecke -- 17. Multidimensional NMR Spectroscopic Signal Processing -- Guang Zhu and Yingbo Hua -- 18. Advanced Methods in Spectroscopic Imaging -- Keith A. Wear -- 19. Characterization of Brain Tissue from MR Spectra for Tumor Discrimination -- Paulo J. G. Lisboa, Wael El-Deredy, Y. Y Barbara Lee, -- Yangxin Huang, Angelica R. Corona Herandez, -- Peter Harris, and Carles Aris -- 20. Wavelet Packets Algorithm for Metabolite Quantification -- in Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Chemical Shift Imaging -- Luca T Mainardi, Sergio Cerutti, Daniela Origgi, and -- Giuseppe Scotti -- 21. Cramdr-Rao Bound Analysis of Spectroscopic Signal Processing Methods -- Sophie Cavassila, Dirk van Ormondt, and Danielle Graveron-Demilly.
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