Cover image for Norton anthology of western music
Norton anthology of western music
Palisca, Claude V.

6th ed.
Publication Information:
New York : W.W. Norton, ©2010
Physical Description:
General Note:
Vocal and instrumental music.

Companion volumes to: A history of western music / Donald J. Grout, Claude V. Palisca. 7th ed. New York : Norton, 2006.

Includes indexes.
v. 1. Ancient to Baroque -- v. 2. Classic to twentieth century.

v. 1. Music in antiquity. Epitaph of Seikilos ; Orestes. Stasimon chorus / Euripides -- Roman liturgy and chant. Mass for Christmas Day ; Chants from Vespers for Christmas Day. Tecum principium ; Christe Redemptor omnium ; Victimae paschali laudes / ascribed to Wipo of Burgundy ; Puer natus: Quem queritis in presepe ; Ordo virtutum. In principio omnes / Hildegard of Bingen.

v. 1. Song and dance music in the Middle Ages. Can vei la lauzeta mover / Bernart de Ventadorn ; A chantar / Contessa de Dia ; Jeu de Robin et de Marion. Robins m'aime / Adam de la Halle ; Palästinalied / Walther von der Vogelweide ; Cantigas de Santa Maria. Non sofre Santa Maria / Cantiga ; Le manuscrit du roi. La quarte estampe royal.

v. 1. Polyphony through the Thirteenth Century. Musica enchiriadis. Organa ; Ad organum faciendum. Alleluia Justus ut palma ; Jubilemus, exultemus ; Viderunt omnes / Léonin ; Viderunt omnes. Dominus no. 26 & 29 / Clausulae ; Viderunt omnes / Pérotin ; Ave virgo virginum ; Dominus. Factum est salutare, Fole acostumance, Super te/Sed fulsit/Primus tenor ; De ma dame vient/Dieus, comment porroie/Omnes / Adam de la Halle.

v. 1 French and Italian music in the Fourteenth Century. In arboris/Tuba sacre fidei/Virgo sum / Philippe de Vitry ; La Messe de Nostre Dame. Kyrie ; Rose, liz, printemps, verdure / Guillaume de Machaut ; Sus une fontayne / Johannes Ciconia ; Fenice fù / Jacopo da Bologna ; Tosto che l'alba / Gherardello da Firenze ; Non avrà ma' pietà̀ / Francesco Landini.

v. 1. England and Burgundy in the Fifteenth Century. Alleluia, A newë work ; Quam pulchra es / John Dunstable ; De plus en plus / Binchois (Gilles de Bins) ; Resvellies vous ; Conditor alme siderum ; Se la face ay pale / Guillaume Du Fay.

v. 1. Franco-Flemish composers, 1450-1520. Missa De plus. Agnus Dei / Jean de Ockeghem ; Innsbruck, ich muss dich lassen / Henricus Isaac ; Ave maria ... virgo serena ; Missa Pange lingua. Kyrie, Credo excerpt ; Mille regretz / Josquin des Prez.

v. 1. Sacred music in the era of the Reformation. Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland ; Ein' fest Burg / Martin Luther ; Or sus, serviteurs de Seigneur / Loys Bourgeois ; Sing joyfully unto God / William Byrd ; Pope Marcellus Mass. Credo ; Agnus Dei I / Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina ; O magnum mysterium: motet and mass Kyrie / Tomás Luis de Victoria ; Tristis est anima mea / Orlando di Lasso.

v. 1. Madrigal and secular song in the Sixteenth Century. Oy comamos y bebamos / Juan del Encina ; Io non compro più speranza / Marco Cara ; Il bianco e dolce cigno / Jacques Arcadelt ; Da le belle contrade d'oriente / Cipriano de Rore ; Solo e pensoso / Luca Marenzio ; "Io parto" e non più dissi / Carlo Gesualdo ; Tant que vivray / Claudin de Sermisy ; Revecy venir du printans / Claude le Jeune ; My bonny lass she smileth / Thomas Morley ; As Vesta was / Thomas Weelkes ; Flow, my tears / John Dowland.

v. 1. The rise of instrumental music. Dansieries a 4 parties. no. 1 & 36 / Pierre Attaingnant ; Los sey libros del Delphin. Cancion Mille regres ; Cuatro diferencias sobre "Guádiame las vacas" / Luis de Narváez ; Pavana Lachrymae / William Byrd ; Sacrae symphoniae. Canzon septimi toni a 8 / Giovanni Gabrieli.

v. 1. New styles in the Seventeenth Century. Cruda Amarilli / Claudio Monteverdi ; Vedrò 'l mio sol / Guilio Caccini.

v. 1. The invention of opera. Le musiche sopra l'Euridice. Io, che d'alti sospir, Nel pur ardor, Per quel vago boschetto / Jacopo Peri ; L'Orfeo. Vi ricorda o boschi ombrosi, Mira, deh mira Orfeo, Ahi, caso acerbo, Tu se' morta, Ahi, caso acerbo / Claudio Monteverdi ; L'incoronazione di Poppea. Act I, Scene 3 / Claudio Monteverdi ; Orontea. E che si fa?, Intorno all' idol mio / Antonio Cesti.

v. 1. Music for chamber and church in the early Seventeenth Century. Lagrime mie / Barbara Strozzi ; O quam tu pulcra es / Alessandro Grandi ; Historia de Jephte. Plorate colles, Plorate filii Israel / Giacomo Carissimi ; Kleine geistliche Konzerte I.O lieber Herre Gott / Heinrich Schütz ; Symphoniae sacrae III. Saul, was verfolgst du mich / Heinrich Schütz ; Toccata no. 3 / Girolamo Frescobaldi ; Mass for the Madonna. Ricercare after the Credo / Girolamo Frescobaldi ; Sonata IV per il violino per sonar condue corde / Biagio Marini.

v. 1. France, England, Spain and the New World in the Seventeenth Century. Armide. Overture, Enfin il est en ma puissance / Jean-Baptiste Lully ; Pièces de clavecin. Suite in A minor / Elisabeth-Claude Jacquet de la Guerre ; Dido and Aenas. Thy hand, Belinda, When I am laid in earth, With drooping wings / Henry Purcell ; La púrpura de la rosa. Excerpt / Tomás de Torrejón y Velasco ; Los coflades de la estleya / Juan de Araujo.

v. 1. Italy and Germany in the late Seventeenth Century. Clori vezzosa, e bella. Vivo penando, Si, si ben mio / Alessandro Scarlatti ; Trio sonata, op. 3, no. 2 / Arcangelo Corelli ; Praeludium in E major, BuxWV141 / Dieterich Buxtehude.

v. 1. The early Eighteenth Century in Italy and France. Concerto for violin and orchestra in A minor, op. 3 no. 6. Allegro, Largo, Presto / Antonio Vivaldi ; Vingt-cinquième ordre. La visionaire, La musse victorieuse / Françoise Couperin ; Hippolyte et Aricie. Conclusion of Act IV / Jean-Phillipe Rameau.

v. 1. German composers of the Late Baroque. Prelude and fugue in A minor, BWV 543 / Johann Sebastian Bach ; Chorale prelude on Durch Adams Fall, BWV 637 / Johann Sebastian Bach ; Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland. No. 1-6 / Johann Sebastian Bach ; Guilio Cesare. Act II, Scenes 1-2. Eseguisti, V'adoro pupille / George Frideric Handel ; Saul. The time at length is come, Where is the son of Jesse?, O fatal consequence of rage / George Frideric Handel.
Added Author:

Added Uniform Title:
Estampie royal, no. 4.

Musica enchiriadis. Organa.

Sumer is icumen in.
Added Title:
Epitaph of Seikilos.

Mass for Christmas Day.


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